Factorio 2'ish

Modpack with features that will be implemented in Factorio 2.0 core game. Some mods allow even more things than what is promised in core game. Edited by BeefyAndTheDucks so that every mod is not optional.

Mod packs
11 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Environment Mining Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Blueprints
This mod 39 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 39 Required 39 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 1.39M
RecipeBook 209K
ModuleInserter 140K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 108K
show-max-underground-distance 91.3K
beautiful_bridge_railway 51.1K
GDIW 48.0K
WireShortcuts 44.2K
CursorEnhancements 43.8K
AutoTrash 42.9K
RemoteConfiguration 42.2K
TrainGroups 30.2K
LogisticRequestManager 28.8K
Train_Control_Signals 26.2K
AdvancedBelts 21.4K
fluid_permutations 17.7K
GhostOnWater 16.1K
PowerPole32 9.99K
simple_landfill_mining 9.94K
DoRobotsBuildAutomaticTrains 9.81K
Kux-BlueprintExtensions 8.61K
crafting_combinator_xeraph 8.24K
TintedGhosts 7.99K
SimpleCompress 6.86K
redo 6.15K
factoripedia 6.00K
TrainStatusIcons 5.50K
blueprint-variables 4.81K
better-cliff-hitboxes 4.59K
FilterInsertersBegone 3.76K
AutoCircuit 3.52K
janky-quality 3.04K
DestructiveBlueprints 2.91K
bigminingdrill 2.85K
rapid-beltsv1 2.64K
StackInserterRename 2.03K
remote-requests 2.02K
parameterized-blueprints 1.54K
pigo-selector-combinator 1.04K
Last dependency data update: 2 hours ago (for v0.398.5)