Did you ever felt, that the advanced tiers of Belts, Inserters, Ammunitions or even the Assembling machine 3 are only decoratives? Ahh of course not, but did you ever thought about that, they are somewhat unimportant features? You just could launch a rocket without building any of them... Not any more! This mod helps you solve this riddle, you have to build the advanced tiers of those, if you want to advance in the Tech tree.
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Dependency | 8.64M | |
Optional dependency |
aai-industry >= 0.5.0 | 525K |
Optional dependency |
aai-loaders >= 0.1 | 108K |
Optional dependency |
angelsaddons-storage >= 0.0.4 | 171K |
Optional dependency |
angelsbioprocessing >= 0.7.17 | 180K |
Optional dependency |
angelsindustries >= 0.4.11 | 103K |
Optional dependency |
angelsinfiniteores >= 0.9.8 | 108K |
Optional dependency |
angelspetrochem >= 0.9.17 | 202K |
Optional dependency |
angelsrefining >= 0.11.19 | 205K |
Optional dependency |
angelssmelting >= 0.6.14 | 197K |
Optional dependency |
extendedangels >= 0.4.0 | 8.09K |
Optional dependency |
Bio_Industries >= 1.1.10 | 54.5K |
Optional dependency |
bobassembly >= 1.1.2 | 262K |
Optional dependency |
bobclasses >= 1.1.0 | 95.0K |
Optional dependency |
bobelectronics >= 1.1.3 | 245K |
Optional dependency |
bobenemies >= 1.1.1 | 249K |
Optional dependency |
bobequipment >= 1.1.2 | 228K |
Optional dependency |
bobgreenhouse >= 1.1.0 | 174K |
Optional dependency |
bobinserters >= 1.1.0 | 348K |
Optional dependency |
boblogistics >= 1.1.2 | 294K |
Optional dependency |
bobmining >= 1.1.1 | 258K |
Optional dependency |
bobmodules >= 1.1.2 | 235K |
Optional dependency |
bobores >= 1.1.0 | 259K |
Optional dependency |
bobplates >= 1.1.2 | 257K |
Optional dependency |
bobpower >= 1.1.1 | 267K |
Optional dependency |
bobrevamp >= 1.1.2 | 220K |
Optional dependency |
bobtech >= 1.1.2 | 235K |
Optional dependency |
bobvehicleequipment >= 1.1.2 | 183K |
Optional dependency |
bobwarfare >= 1.1.2 | 264K |
Optional dependency |
bzsilicon >= 0.6.6 | 30.6K |
Optional dependency |
bzfoundry >= 0.2.6 | 30.2K |
Optional dependency |
cargo-ships >= 0.0.59 | 221K |
Optional dependency |
DiscoScience >= 1.0.0 | 230K |
Optional dependency |
Factorissimo2 >= 2.5.1 | 222K |
Optional dependency |
icon-badges >= 1.1.09 | 1.44K |
Optional dependency |
Krastorio2 >= 1.2.5 | 339K |
Optional dependency |
LunarLandings >= 1.0.3 | 3.46K |
Optional dependency |
modmashsplinter >= 1.1.10 | 12.4K |
Optional dependency |
modmashsplintergold >= 1.1.07 | 5.66K |
Optional dependency |
modmashsplintersubspacelogistics >= 1.1.05 | 4.49K |
Optional dependency |
Milestones >= 1.3.25 | 263K |
Optional dependency |
pyfusionenergy >= 1.6.7 | 66.6K |
Optional dependency |
pyhightech >= 1.7.6 | 61.0K |
Optional dependency |
pyindustry >= 1.5.2 | 71.0K |
Optional dependency |
pypetroleumhandling >= 2.0.6 | 62.7K |
Optional dependency |
pypetroleumhandlinggraphics >= 1.0.10 | 62.7K |
Optional dependency |
pyrawores >= 2.2.7 | 63.1K |
Optional dependency |
space-exploration >= 0.6.0 | 483K |
Optional dependency |
space-exploration-postprocess >= 0.6.0 | 477K |