Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders

Adds minimalist 1x1 loaders and stacking beltboxes for 5x belt compression for ores, plates and some intermediate products

12 days ago
0.17 - 2.0
This mod 3 From other mods 217
Dependency types:
Default 162 Required 113 Conflict 2 Optional 79 Hidden 23
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 609K
reskins-compatibility 97.7K
bztitanium 45.7K
bzlead 43.4K
bzcarbon 31.4K
bztungsten 30.8K
bzzirconium 29.6K
bzaluminum 29.1K
Deadlock-SE-bridge >= 2.4.0 28.7K
bzgas 27.5K
bztin 25.9K
bzchlorine 20.2K
5dim_compatibility 19.3K
prismatic-belts 16.4K
bzgold 16.1K
Deadlock-AAII-bridge 14.3K
RealisticOres >= 2.1 12.4K
BrassTacks 12.3K
IfNickel 12.2K
MicroFurnaceWipMod >= 2.2.0 9.61K
aotixzhcn 8.63K
BrimStuff 6.10K
LasingAround 6.07K
ThemTharHills 5.98K
OD27_5dim_compatibility 5.18K
SchallBeltConfiguration 4.51K
GreenTec >= 2.4.1 3.67K
SE-locale 3.60K
RusGoldLocal-AllRussianTranslateMods >= 0.0.1 3.54K
danger_ore_extra 3.40K
Rich-Rocks-Requiem >= 2.0.0 3.04K
QuantumFurnace 3.04K
5dim-cats >= 2.5.0 3.01K
zombiesextended-core 2.58K
Cractorio_pack 2.34K
Cractorio_pack 2.34K
RandomFactorioThings 2.25K
redmew-data 1.79K
SE-5DimCompat 1.66K
uraniumlogistics >= 2.6.0 1.51K
FactorioEMC 1.07K
AdvancedBeltsSA 1.06K
SchallBeltConfigurationBob 1.02K
Speeds_and_feeds >= 2.4.2 993
SmallFurnaceWipMod >= 2.2.0 901
fast-init >= 2.4.1 860
NPUtils_LITEv2 >= 2.3.4 768
Package_Fox_Ukrainian >= 2.4.2 755
belt-reskin 746
DeadlocksStackingForOmni 594
BestMods 573
uu-matter >= 2.4.2 537
wnlead 361
nihilist_quickstart 320
JWLCircuitReskins 250
se-k2-buding >= 2.4.2 242
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 132
ModMods >= 2.4.2 106
Prettier-Stacked-Ores >= 2.5.1 81
rocket-fuel-stack-stacksize >= 2.4.0 79
erus-locale-pack 74
MicroFurnace >= 2.3.6 61
LgksRecipeModifications >= 2.3.5 58
adamo-calibration 45
pcnm-multi-patch 45
pcnm-multi-patch 45
grimerx-make-outposts-great-again 44
built_logistics_entity_free 42
SchallBeltConfigurationKrastorio 31
Prettier-Stacked-Ores-1_1 27
TLib_Belts >= 2.5.0 25
DeadlockOmnimatter 12
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
settings-embedded-data-code 11
Oberbelt 10
LgksEvilModpack 7
project-corona >= 2.3.5 7
strattegic-no-belt >= 2.3.6 7
5Dim-Research-All-Bottles 2
5Dim-Stone-Brick-Recipe 2
Last dependency data update: 16 hours ago (for v2.6.0)