Schmitt | Clean Crafting Menu 🧹

Introduces intuitive and efficiently organized crafting menu groups to avoid searching similiar stuff in different menu categories. Mostly relevant for Bob+Angel players.

3 months ago
This mod 67 From other mods 2
Dependency types:
Default 67 Required 26 Conflict 0 Optional 41 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 5.43M
boblibrary 393K
bobinserters 332K
boblogistics 291K
bobpower 264K
bobwarfare 261K
bobassembly 259K
bobores 256K
bobmining 255K
bobplates 254K
bobenemies 246K
bobelectronics 242K
bobmodules 233K
bobtech 233K
bobequipment 225K
bobrevamp 218K
angelsrefining 203K
angelspetrochem 199K
angelssmelting 195K
bobvehicleequipment 182K
angelsbioprocessing 178K
angelsaddons-storage 169K
angelsinfiniteores 107K
angelsindustries 102K
boblocale 77.3K
angelsexploration 52.3K
base -
Last dependency data update: 9 hours ago (for v1.1.1)