Graphite & Diamonds

by brevven

Adds elemental carbon items to the game, including graphite, diamonds, graphene, and more. Compatible with Space Age and many other mods. A standalone piece of BZ Mods

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Manufacturing
This mod 13 From other mods 84
Dependency types:
Default 55 Required 23 Conflict 0 Optional 44 Hidden 17
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 48.8K
osm-lib-postprocess 16.3K
IntermodalContainers 15.8K
Atomic_Overhaul 6.61K
zzzz9999-better-restack 3.52K
unbarrel 2.83K
tech-tree-trimmer 1.70K
k2_se_crafting_efficiency 321
better_logistics_radar 286
ezo-stack-overload 265
better_logistics_teleport 231
better_logistics_radar2 202
sparkletrons-terraformers-final 196
better_logistics_worker 160
better_logistics_energy 133
better_logistics_chest 98
Sixs-Tweaks 68
better_logistics_barrel 64
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v2.0.5)