Blueprint Sandboxes

Temporary Editor-lite permissions in Lab-like environments for designing and experimenting.

11 days ago

b [Not This Mod] Crash when combined with Tiberian Dawn

2 years ago

模组 Blueprint Sandboxes (1.1.1) 引发了无法恢复的错误。

Error while running event blueprint-sandboxes::on_lua_shortcut (ID 35)
模组 Tiberian Dawn (1.1.23) 引发了无法恢复的错误。

Error while running event Factorio-Tiberium::on_research_finished (ID 18)
Factorio-Tiberium/control.lua:1607: bad argument #1 of 3 to 'insert' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'insert'
Factorio-Tiberium/control.lua:1607: in function <Factorio-Tiberium/control.lua:1580>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
/scripts/research.lua:11: in function 'Sync'
blueprint-sandboxes/scripts/init.lua:94: in function 'GetOrCreateSandboxForce'
blueprint-sandboxes/scripts/sandbox.lua:92: in function 'Enter'
blueprint-sandboxes/scripts/sandbox.lua:275: in function 'Toggle'
blueprint-sandboxes/scripts/toggle-gui.lua:108: in function <blueprint-sandboxes/scripts/toggle-gui.lua:106>

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I believe this is a bug with Tiberian Dawn, not Blueprint Sandboxes. A quick peek reveals that it does not handle on_force_created, therefore when this mod creates a new Force and adds Research to it, Tiberian Dawn attempts to store some meta-data for that Research into its own storage for Forces - which is missing this new Force - it crashes as you've shown.

I've opened a bug-report on their mod-page.

2 years ago


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