Angel's Smelting

Angel's Smelting provides alternative ways to produce plate and increase ore yield at the expense of space and energy.

7 months ago
0.14 - 1.1
This mod 2 From other mods 230
Dependency types:
Default 179 Required 124 Conflict 6 Optional 73 Hidden 27
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 1.67M
5xProduction 680
_NoCyclesInTechTree 21
ABwirefix >= 0.6.2 10
adamo-calibration >= 0.5.3 12
AllMods 313
AngelBob 39.2K
AngelBob_Better_Concrete >= 0.5.7 12
AngelBob_with_qol >= 0.6.11 9
AngelBob_with_qol_Skelich >= 0.6.11 12
AngelBobClown 892
AngelBobExtended >= 0.1.3 20
AngelBobPy 4.64K
AngelBobPy-blend 1.67K
angelmods_rus_translation >= 0.4.6 10
angels-liquid-alloy-mixing >= 0.4.0 3.31K
angels-smelting-extended >= 0.6.22 18.0K
Angels_RBOS 3.95K
angelsaddons-locales 10
angelsbioprocessing >= 0.6.17 178K
AngelsBobsSelection >= 0.6.1 9
angelscoolanttemperatureextension 10
angelsexploration >= 0.6.18 52.4K
angelsextended-moltenalloys >= 0.6.0 120
angelsextended-remelting >= 0.4.0 30
angelsextended-remelting-fixed >= 0.4.0 8.68K
angelsindustries >= 0.6.17 103K
angelslocaleja_RE >= 0.6.23 6.71K
angelssmelting-extended >= 0.3.3 10
angelssmelting-extended-upgradet >= 0.6.14 9.43K
AngelsSmeltingExtension >= 0.6.17 13.3K
AngelsUsedCoolant >= 0.4.6 13
asj-modpack-space 135
Asteroid_Mining >= 0.6.10 16.9K
atlas-angelOreus-modpack = 0.6.19 92
Avatars >= 0.3.0 11.8K
BaA_Spring_2024_Pack 931
BABasedModpack >= 0.6.21 198
baraws >= 0.6.14 4.73K
Barrel_Coolant 3.18K
bekloppt-pack >= 0.6.17 21
BeltboxCoilCutter >= 0.3.3 4
better-angels-plates 798
Better_Angels_Smelting >= 0.5.7 24
Better_Strand_Casting >= 0.5.7 11
Blargh_Mods >= 0.6.23 64
bobangel-pollution 5.54K
bobangel2021 3.78K
bobs-custom-circuitry 4.08K
bobsangelthon >= 0.1.1 11
Building_Materials 4
ChemsCircuitProcessing 196
CircuitProcessing 82.6K
clean_crafting_menu 2.22K
Clowns-Processing >= 0.6.17 21.9K
Clowns-Science >= 0.6.17 14.8K
Common-Industries 5.38K
Complex_Science_Pack_Recipes >= 0.6.20 2.64K
container-mass-produce >= 0.4.5 7
crafting-efficiency >= 0.5.1 26
Dan-MadClown-Science-Cobalt >= 0.6.2 572
dark-tech 342
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.1K
depozfixes 4
duff-seablock-megabase >= 0.6.10 770
DyWorld-Dynamics-2 391
EAB >= 0.6.0 12
ERPCTbaAB >= 0.6.6 256
ERPTbaAB >= 0.6.6 36
error 4
extendedangels >= 0.6.22 8.00K
extrabobs >= 0.4.3 9
Factory_Block 143
flow-control-expanded-bob >= 0.6.17 8.20K
Fluoriteblock-angels-hydrogen-rebalance 30
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 0.6.13 76
Fork-Power-Armour-Replacer >= 0.6.21 117
FrozenWorld 424
Grado_ABCX 16
grand-unified-factorio-theory >= 0.6.14 807
Hexy_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.5.7 14
IBSC-tweak >= 0.3.5 4
Ingredient_Scrap 283
InsaneModpack >= 0.6.14 251
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
jwwolff-mod-pack 160
KaoExtended >= 0.1.3 19
karosieben_modpack >= 0.6.14 133
kayospack 60
landairandseas-modpack 75
Lenny_Industries 83
LgksRecipeModifications >= 0.5.4 58
liquidscience >= 0.3 5
Load-Furn 170
Load-Furn-2 46.8K
Load-Furn-Fixed 10.1K
Lzsmeltingaddon >= 0.3.3 7
marathomaton >= 0.3.0 7
marathon-continued >= 0.3.0 5
MatrixDJ96-Angel-Modpack 594
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack >= 0.6.16 662
MatrixDJ96-Marsh-AngelBobs-Modpack-PATCH >= 0.6.16 95
MinersPack 262
mins-angelbob 274
Mod-Recipe-correct 14
MomosTweak >= 0.6.13 817
more-module-slots 4.04K
more-petrochem-hell 32
MoreScience-BobAngelsExtension 36
MoreSciencePacks >= 0.5.7 74
MoreSciencePacks-for1_1 >= 0.5.7 3.58K
mrorangers_AngelBob_Tweaks >= 0.5.7 5
Mud_WaterWell 1.14K
multi-product-recipe-details 13.0K
MyModPackMuit >= 0.6.18 421
N-industrypack 121
nach0_modpack_angels 2.04K
naxtiles >= 0.6.0 5
necro_painful_modpack >= 0.5.4 9
nihilist_quickstart 319
NNCMAngelBob 18
Noxys_LessHandMoreAssembler 197
NPUtils_LITEv2 756
nullius >= 0.6.20 33.3K
NulliusBasedModpack >= 0.6.23 175
omnimatter 13.0K
only-smelting >= 0.3.0 80
PayloadAdaptedForBA >= 0.5.4 7
Power-Armour-Replacer >= 0.6.21 1.82K
PressurizedFluidsAngelsBridge 838
PressurizedFluidsAngelsSmelting 414
ProductivityForAngels 8
RealisticFusionPower 28.8K
research-queue >= 0.1 81
research-queue-the-old-new-thing >= 0.1 43
reskins-angels >= 0.6.20 99.9K
RLAmod >= 0.6.8 3.32K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-2-AngelsMods >= 0.0.1 1.18K
sbf-angelbob-modpack = 0.6.19 35
science-bottles >= 0.6.19 3.29K
ScienceCostTweakerM 79.2K
SeaBlock >= 0.6.20 96.6K
seablock-tweaks-for-angels >= 0.6.21 99
SeaBlockCustomPack-Variant >= 0.6.14 410
SeaBlockMetaPack 70.1K
ShinyAngelGFX >= 0.5.3 230
ShinyBob >= 0.1.3 15
ShinyIcons >= 0.5.3 148
shiverosdeutfusion >= 0.6.17 100
shiverospetrochem >= 0.6.17 172
shiverospower >= 0.6.17 211
Silly-AbandonedRuins >= 0.6.16 4.41K
simplepack_angel > 0.6 8
smiU >= 0.6.19 775
sole-survivor 34
space-exploration 479K
space-exploration-bridge-mod >= 0.6.0 53
SpeaceBlock 47
StephensModPack 5
swap-angels-concrete >= 0.6 128
Swiftdrake 22
TestSpeaceBlock 5
textbook-server-tweaks >= 0.6.14 31
thar0l-modpack-abc-base >= 0.6.16 523
thecomb-aerogels 4
TheyreMadeOutofMeat >= 0.3.12 8
toastmod 4
TSM-icons 514
UltimateBeltsBobAngelIntegration >= 0.6.18 926
UnChained_Tweaks >= 0.1.4 7
utweaks >= 0.6.11 5
Vanilla_Plus 60
voidextension >= 0.3.9 12
Warptorio2_AB_Factorissimo2_Merge >= 0.6.23 129
wocpack2 62
YA-SeaBlock >= 0.6.17 1.03K
YiPack >= 0.6.14 151
Zatones_Electric_Smelting 39
zJatmnYiFixes >= 0.6.17 8.23K
Last dependency data update: 14 hours ago (for v0.6.23)