Angel's Infinite Ores

Adds infinite ores for the base game, Bobmods, Yuoki Industries, Uranium Power, Nucular, Dark Matter Replicators and the base ores for AngelsRefining. Best used with RSO mod to have infinite ores in the core of regular resource patches. Has config options to change the yield for all infinite resources including oil

1 year, 1 month ago
0.14 - 1.1
This mod 13 From other mods 113
Dependency types:
Default 82 Required 46 Conflict 6 Optional 44 Hidden 17
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 102K
angelslocaleja_RE >= 0.9.11 6.80K
baraws >= 0.6.0 4.77K
RLAmod >= 0.9.3 3.36K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-2-AngelsMods >= 0.0.1 1.21K
Oil_Patch_Organizer >= 0.9.0 1.15K
smiU >= 0.9.10 786
quarry-edit >= 0.5.4 772
1stack5k >= 0.7.3 311
1stack5k >= 0.7.3 311
ShinyAngelGFX >= 0.7.4 239
ShinyIcons >= 0.7.4 155
1stack >= 0.7.3 79
1stack >= 0.7.3 79
AngelBobExtended >= 0.5.1 21
KaoExtended >= 0.5.1 19
ShinyBob >= 0.5.2 15
supportive-weapons >= 0.6.10 10
angelmods_rus_translation >= 0.7.3 10
artsOres >= 0.7.3 7
marathomaton >= 0.6.6 7
marathon-continued >= 0.6.6 5
NoFluidstoMine >= 0.0.1 5
foo_bar < 0.4.5 5
angelsaddons-newlocales 25.5K
DeepMine 14.3K
RealisticOres 12.5K
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.1K
Stacked_Mining 4.94K
bobangel2021 3.79K
quarry-18 3.14K
distance_independent_ore_patch_size 1.97K
steinios_unlasting_oil 1.94K
angel-SChinese-Atlas 1.32K
MiningTools_Update 1.22K
BestMods 573
weplay_angelbobs 477
ZloyNoInfinite 308
built_logistics_entity_free 42
MiningTools 37
Kythbloods_Stacked_Mining 24
Regroup 17
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
angelsaddons-locales 10
depozfixes 4
Last dependency data update: 4 hours ago (for v0.9.11)