All Are Welcome Amongus

A collection of mods for a group playthrough, includes some overhauls, updated/changed graphics, and upgraded machines

Mod packs
3 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Armor Environment Mining Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Manufacturing Power Storage
This mod 95 From other mods 2
Dependency types:
Default 95 Required 95 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 8.22M
flib >= 0.15.0 863K
alien-biomes >= 0.7.2 620K
aai-containers >= 0.3.1 528K
shield-projector >= 0.2.1 521K
aai-signal-transmission >= 0.5.0 520K
bullet-trails >= 0.7.1 423K
even-distribution >= 2.0.2 423K
bobinserters >= 1.3.2 350K
combat-mechanics-overhaul >= 0.7.2 302K
AutoDeconstruct >= 1.0.2 295K
RateCalculator >= 3.3.2 283K
Bottleneck >= 0.12.0 269K
Milestones >= 1.4.1 266K
factoryplanner >= 2.0.4 265K
cargo-ships >= 1.0.11 224K
cargo-ships-graphics >= 1.0.3 220K
Flow Control >= 3.2.1 192K
ArmouredBiters >= 1.2.0 165K
alien-biomes-graphics >= 0.7.0 141K
StatsGui >= 1.6.1 129K
mining-patch-planner >= 1.6.25 108K
Repair_Turret >= 2.0.2 105K
tree_collision >= 2.0.0 96.5K
CleanFloor >= 2.0.0 79.4K
Dectorio >= 0.13.1 76.2K
belt-visualizer >= 2.0.2 75.1K
EpicArtillerySounds >= 2.0.1 72.7K
Shortcuts-ick >= 2.0.6 52.5K
GunEquipment >= 0.0.19 42.5K
valves >= 1.1.0 36.5K
train-log >= 1.3.1 30.0K
Robot256Lib >= 2.0.4 29.5K
More_Ammo >= 1.5.18 26.6K
ballistic_missile >= 0.1.13 24.5K
VehicleWagon2 >= 4.1.3 22.4K
laserfence >= 2.0.3 22.2K
more-minimap-autohide-017 >= 2.0.0 20.9K
Aircraft-space-age >= 2.0.2 19.8K
loaders-modernized >= 0.7.4 17.5K
PavementDriveAssistContinued >= 5.0.0 16.2K
Noxys_Trees >= 0.5.1 15.2K
RealisticOres >= 9.200.0 12.5K
RealisticReactorGlow >= 1.200.7 11.2K
water-poles >= 0.0.6 11.0K
Flare_Stack_SA >= 2.3.2 10.6K
Tree_XRay >= 1.0.6 10.2K
Mammoth-MK3 >= 1.0.8 9.46K
wood-stack-to-1k >= 2.0.0 8.71K
RFM-transport >= 1.0.9 8.06K
vehicle-corpses >= 0.1.1 7.82K
GlowingLaserBeams >= 0.0.5 7.40K
Water-Friendly-Walls >= 2.0.1 7.29K
k2-wind-turbine >= 0.0.4 7.11K
OilOutpostPlanner >= 0.1.2 6.50K
pipe_plus >= 0.0.7 6.33K
vehicle-wagon-graphics >= 1.0.0 6.27K
terrapalus >= 0.1.3 5.57K
flamethrower-wagon >= 2.0.1 5.46K
ev-logistics >= 2.1.2 5.24K
SA-AtomicTank >= 1.0.7 5.21K
toolbars-mod >= 2.6.0 4.89K
StorageTank2_2_0 >= 1.1.0 4.77K
QualityAssurance >= 1.1.3 4.64K
rocket-capacity >= 1.0.0 4.05K
configurable-valves >= 0.1.2 3.65K
SA-Humvee >= 1.0.5 3.53K
lane-balancers >= 1.1.0 3.50K
SolarFarm >= 0.1.2 3.42K
AsphaltRoadsPatched >= 1.4.5 3.29K
upcycler >= 1.0.5 3.17K
chemical-rocket >= 0.1.0 2.97K
sniper-rifle-improved >= 2.0.0 2.84K
RailTester >= 0.9.5 2.48K
mushroom-cloud >= 1.0.2 2.42K
brake-squeal-modded >= 2.0.9 2.41K
KrastorioAirPurifier >= 1.1.7 2.19K
powerful-laser-turret >= 0.1.1 2.14K
fluid-connection-indicators >= 0.2.1 2.00K
debloat-handmine-cliffs >= 1.0.0 1.90K
LouderCargoWagons >= 2.0.1 1.89K
ViidisElectricOffshorePump >= 2.0.2 1.78K
more-landing-pads >= 0.0.1 1.76K
extended-evolution-settings >= 0.1.0 1.74K
BarrelFluidIcons >= 1.0.5 1.53K
CargoWeight >= 1.0.0 1.29K
Enduring-Embers >= 2.0.0 1.19K
Kux-UnderwaterPipes >= 3.0.0 1.10K
simplified-thrusters >= 1.0.0 1.07K
ModulesUI >= 0.0.5 775
ghosts-do-not-kick-you-out-of-their-gui >= 1.0.1 667
More-Asteroid-Resources >= 1.0.0 520
base >= 2.0.13 -
elevated-rails >= 2.0.13 -
quality >= 2.0.13 -
space-age >= 2.0.13 -
Last dependency data update: 11 hours ago (for v1.0.7)