AAI Zones

Adds 'Zones' to the game. Zones are highlighted regions that can be placed with the Zone Planning Tool. With AAI Programmable Structures mod you can place and scan zones automatically using Signals. Zones become even more powerful with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod where they can be used to control automated vehicles.

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network
This mod 1 From other mods 85
Dependency types:
Default 42 Required 58 Conflict 0 Optional 16 Hidden 11
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 158K
aai-programmable-structures >= 0.4.3 122K
martincitopants-space-modpack-fixed-squared 8.28K
nach0_modpack_aai 5.20K
singleplayer_extreme_modpack >= 0.6.4 3.20K
multiplayer_extreme_modpack >= 0.6.4 2.33K
exploration_extreme_modpack >= 0.6.4 2.17K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.14K
space-modpack 1.85K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.38K
vq-modpack-aai_se 840
MatrixDJ96-AAI-Modpack 626
FIXED_angel-bob-clown-others-modpack 614
se-alkharid-mod-pack >= 0.6.4 538
thar0l-modpack-abc-base >= 0.6.4 521
bigbigmod 371
advanced-autonomous-vehicles 323
wocpack 322
Up_to_Space_Krastorio >= 0.6.4 320
hard-reset >= 0.6.4 290
dragon_factory >= 0.6.4 246
ProjectFactorio 215
NibblePoker-AngelBob-Personnal-ModPack 209
gesugaosan-modpack-general 184
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 164
k2semsi-modpack >= 0.6.4 162
Spacedestructor-Islands 150
modpack-by-7 >= 0.6.4 150
Blood-N-Wine-Factorio-Edition >= 0.6.4 126
JBOD_In_Space >= 0.6.4 121
mabik_full_pack = 0.6.4 89
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 81
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 0.5.2 76
landairandseas-modpack 75
CRC_Autism 73
TheWizerModpack 69
all-the-modportal 69
exfret_space_modmash 65
kayospack 60
HopefulFiresModpack 59
dj_mp_extreme >= 0.6.4 59
factmeup 44
Ballasts_bolognese_modpack >= 0.5.1 40
kermitihouqlfmodpack >= 0.6.4 29
base-conserved >= 0.6.4 28
nksadmasmdm 27
Amuxix_qol_collection >= 0.6.4 24
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 0.6.4 21
salocraft 21
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
mart_test 19
verdeks-modpack 17
Minewolf_modpack >= 0.5.1 8
linedown_modpack >= 0.4.3 7
foltiks_ultra_violence_modpack >= 0.4.3 7
the_great_omniquest_hotfix 119
Last dependency data update: 56 minutes ago (for v0.6.4)