AAI Vehicles: Flame Tumbler

A very high speed ramming vehicle hardened against collision damage and armed with a flamethrower. Suitable for rapid base assault, wilderness exploration, and hit-and-run engagements. Can be automated with AAI Programmable Vehicles mod.

an hour ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Combat
This mod 1 From other mods 97
Dependency types:
Default 55 Required 65 Conflict 0 Optional 21 Hidden 11
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 43.4K
hmm-t-vehicles >= 0.6.1 3.91K
singleplayer_extreme_modpack >= 0.6.1 3.20K
multiplayer_extreme_modpack >= 0.6.1 2.33K
exploration_extreme_modpack >= 0.6.1 2.18K
se-alkharid-mod-pack >= 0.6.1 551
thar0l-modpack-abc-base >= 0.6.1 527
unholy_legacy >= 0.6.1 414
Up_to_Space_Krastorio >= 0.6.1 322
dragon_factory >= 0.6.1 248
k2semsi-modpack >= 0.6.1 164
YiPack >= 0.6.1 151
JBOD_In_Space >= 0.6.1 131
StsSEK2BZmodpack >= 0.6.1 94
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 0.5.1 76
dj_mp_extreme >= 0.6.1 60
Ballasts_bolognese_modpack >= 0.5.1 42
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 0.6.1 21
AAI-bobwarfare-grids >= 0.1.5 12
Minewolf_modpack >= 0.5.1 8
linedown_modpack >= 0.4.1 7
foltiks_ultra_violence_modpack >= 0.4.1 7
mabik_full_pack = 0.6.1 92
tsk_pack = 0.6.1 58
martincitopants-space-modpack-fixed-squared 8.32K
nach0_modpack_aai 5.27K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.15K
space-modpack 1.85K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.39K
sborOchka-modpack 1.23K
vq-modpack-aai_se 842
MatrixDJ96-AAI-Modpack 627
FIXED_angel-bob-clown-others-modpack 617
kras_W2 583
Zolo-IR3-Modpack 420
korhal-modpack-k2se 387
vanilla-enhanced 384
kras_ghoulash 376
bigbigmod 374
advanced-autonomous-vehicles 333
wocpack 323
NibblePoker-AngelBob-Personnal-ModPack 209
EthryansModpack 178
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 165
lucky-modpack 157
Spacedestructor-Islands 150
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 83
landairandseas-modpack 77
CRC_Autism 75
all-the-modportal 75
TheWizerModpack 69
exfret_space_modmash 66
HopefulFiresModpack 60
factmeup 45
nksadmasmdm 27
sborochka-kot 23
salocraft 22
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
MeelocksEthryansModpack 20
mart_test 19
verdeks-modpack 17
n-j-mod-pack 12
Literal-Rail-World 7
Last dependency data update: 18 hours ago (for v0.7.1)