AAI Programmable Vehicles

Makes vehicles act like RTS units. Control them using a remote control handset, or program them with circuit conditions and zones. Can be used for base enemy base assault, patrols, friendly base navigation, vehicle-based mining, and more advanced applications. Works with vanilla and modded vehicles. Visit the mod portal page for a full feature list or the forums for tutorials.

4 days ago
0.14 - 2.0
Transportation Logistics Circuit network
This mod 15 From other mods 140
Dependency types:
Default 89 Required 67 Conflict 1 Optional 50 Hidden 22
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 364K
lex-aircraft 39.8K
AAI_Language_Pack >= 0.7.21 19.2K
kj_40kbaneblade >= 0.7.25 18.3K
kj_40kpredator >= 0.7.25 16.8K
kj_40klemanruss >= 0.7.25 16.5K
GCKI 14.8K
vtk-armor-plating >= 0.4.2 12.8K
Avatars >= 0.7.0 12.1K
kj_40kbunker >= 0.7.24 9.54K
attach-notes 8.13K
aai-locales >= 0.5.2 8.07K
kj_vehicles >= 0.8.1 5.68K
Vehicle-turrets >= 0.2.3 5.03K
WH40k-Titans 5.00K
TanksSchallGroupsfixes 4.87K
40kvehicles-AAI-fix >= 0.7.9 3.32K
ZElectricVehicles 3.23K
autodrive 2.98K
AAI-tech-tweak >= 0.7.20 2.27K
acr-lzr >= 0.7.22 2.07K
xp-for-buildings 1.99K
ccr-mg >= 0.7.22 1.94K
dredgepack 1.21K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-4-AAIMods >= 0.0.1 1.14K
xenos-oppression-ultimate-pack >= 0.7.22 903
grand-unified-factorio-theory >= 0.7.9 811
Package_Fox_Ukrainian >= 0.7.22 755
BestMods 573
qolmod >= 0.7.22 363
ModpackHelper 253
RegularRecipeList-Compatible_with_AAI 125
RusAtom 80
fixed_starting_unlock_compatibility >= 0.7.24 76
give-me-back-my-machine-gun-dammit >= 0.8.0 70
LgksRecipeModifications >= 0.6.5 58
Hovercraft >= 0.0.1 43
built_logistics_entity_free 42
zacs-tweaks >= 0.7.9 39
WePlayClusterioTestPack 27
teq-fixes >= 0.7.25 22
Regroup 17
better-tabs-for-5dims 17
AlternativeStart 12
settings-embedded-data-code 11
LaterAAIVehicles >= 0.5.24 10
marathomaton >= 0.3.22 7
LgksEvilModpack 7
marathon-continued >= 0.3.22 5
ShadyTweaks 5
Last dependency data update: 15 hours ago (for v0.8.1)