AAI Industry

The industry part of Advanced Autonomous Industries. Adds burner machines, some new intermediate ingredients, powered offshore pumps, and more. Alters tech and recipes. Other AAI mods are not required.

23 days ago
0.15 - 2.0
This mod 6 From other mods 356
Dependency types:
Default 266 Required 128 Conflict 15 Optional 160 Hidden 53
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 809K
Krastorio2 >= 0.3.17 339K
angelsindustries >= 0.4.12 103K
EditorExtensions 95.0K
LightedPolesPlus 90.0K
Dectorio >= 0.6.4 76.2K
bztin 26.4K
osm-lib-postprocess 16.3K
Mining-Space-Industries-II 9.60K
Productivity 6.96K
Lighted-Poles-Plus 5.96K
omnimatter_fluid 5.42K
PowerOverload 3.60K
zzzz9999-better-restack 3.55K
Insectitron >= 0.4.17 3.08K
unbarrel 2.83K
WaterAsAResource >= 0.2.4 2.14K
Rohlinheatagtmuf_Hdhaotaotfnllsape-atnsasri 1.96K
Krastorio2_EI_SE >= 0.3.17 1.96K
aai_motor_reskin 1.67K
apm_power_ldinc >= 0.6.5 1.37K
wood-military 1.30K
BobsPipeRecipesFix 1.22K
ProductivityResearchForEveryone 1.08K
homeworld_redux >= 0.5.3 1.03K
wood-logistics 955
extended-research-system >= 0.5.0 891
early-agriculture 671
eradicators-hand-crank-generator 667
Rocs-Rusting-Iron 561
PollutionSolutionsLite-NoBitersRequired 469
filter-long-inserter >= 0.5.22 408
better_logistics_radar 286
ezo-stack-overload 285
hardCrafting_2 271
better_logistics_teleport 231
Zsorter >= 0.5.9 225
shiverospower >= 0.4.12 214
better_logistics_radar2 202
sparkletrons-terraformers-final 196
shiverospetrochem >= 0.4.12 174
eradicators-hand-crank-redux 166
better_logistics_worker 160
zUnduplicate 141
ProductivityResearchForEveryoneFG 134
better_logistics_energy 133
shiverosdeutfusion >= 0.4.12 101
better_logistics_chest 98
dectorio_off >= 0.4.20 84
redtech >= 0.5.20 74
better_logistics_barrel 64
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 48
apm_power >= 0.3.22 22
dbl_upgrade_fix_for_k2 >= 0.3.17 9
Last dependency data update: 7 hours ago (for v0.6.6)