AAI Industry

The industry part of Advanced Autonomous Industries. Adds burner machines, some new intermediate ingredients, powered offshore pumps, and more. Alters tech and recipes. Other AAI mods are not required.

15 days ago
0.15 - 2.0
This mod 6 From other mods 353
Dependency types:
Default 263 Required 127 Conflict 16 Optional 157 Hidden 53
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 1.18M
10xHarder >= 0.1.10 11
5dim-cats >= 0.6.5 3.10K
5Dim-Research-All-Bottles 8
5Dim-Research-All-Bottles 8
5Dim-Stone-Brick-Recipe 5
5Dim-Stone-Brick-Recipe 5
5dim_compatibility 19.7K
5dim_compatibility 19.7K
aai-locales >= 0.3.4 8.07K
aai-programmable-vehicles >= 0.3.2 171K
AAI_Language_Pack >= 0.5.20 19.6K
adamo-calibration >= 0.3.1 53
advanced-robots 249
AdvancedAssemblyMachineStandalone 2.10K
AivanF 60
aotixk2se 1.85K
arborium_upgrade 360
Atlas_BobK2PowerFix 3.10K
baguette_super_generous 41
BestMods 573
better-tabs-for-5dims 17
big-energy-solar-wind-and-accumulator >= 0.5.19 6.57K
BigDrills >= 0.5.1 11.2K
BrassTacks 12.3K
BrimStuff 6.11K
built_logistics_entity_free 42
burner-power-progression >= 0.5.9 5.56K
bzaluminum 29.1K
bzcarbon 31.6K
bzchlorine 20.3K
bzgas 27.5K
bzgold 16.1K
bzsilicon 30.9K
bztin 26.3K
bztitanium 46.1K
bzzirconium 30.0K
caonima 3.94K
ch-concentrated-solar 35.0K
ChemsUpgradeTargetFix >= 0.4.23 53
Chromium 6.19K
Common-Industries 7.82K
Configurable_Fuel >= 0.4.13 13
Configurable_Fuel_REUPLOADED >= 0.4.13 1.16K
crude-transport-belt >= 0.5.22 118
dark-matter-replicators >= 0.3.17 117
dark-matter-replicators-18 >= 0.3.17 12.5K
dark-matter-replicators-R >= 0.3.17 21
dark-tech >= 0.1.12 344
Dark_Matter_Replicators_Replicated >= 0.3.17 17
deadlock-stacking-crating-bobs-quickfix 12
DMV_Directional_Movement_Vehicles 959
Early_Transport_Drones 3.83K
EarlySteamship >= 0.5.19 197
electric-grid 920
ev-refining >= 0.6.4 12.4K
fixed_starting_unlock_compatibility >= 0.5.19 76
flamethrower-turret-rebalance 71
flow-control-expanded-bob >= 0.5.9 8.28K
Foundations >= 0.6.4 1.37K
fuel-category-compatibility 377
fulgora-extended >= 0.6.5 2.09K
functioning-mod >= 0.4.2 7
Hardened-walls-and-pipes >= 0.5.20 837
hazmat-suit 1.46K
hazmat-suit-k2fix 1.56K
IfNickel 12.2K
Illiander-Hell-interop 7
Illiander-Hell-interop 7
IntermediatesForYou 5.89K
just-another-greenhouse >= 0.5.11 4.40K
JWLCircuitReskins 250
K2-equipment-compatibility 1.22K
k2-liquid-fuel 305
k2_se_crafting_efficiency 321
KiithsRebalance 633
KoS-Technical-Terms 1.76K
Kr2-AdvancedMatterProcessing >= 0.5.22 133
LasingAround 6.08K
Lenny_Industries 84
LgksRecipeModifications >= 0.4.4 58
loaders-modernized 17.1K
lotus-mod 318
macks-tweaks 6
manganese 7.18K
MDbobelectronics >= 0.5.18 20.5K
micro-machines 4.02K
MiDronesRST 17
mini-machines 12.4K
Mini-Trains-Lead-the-Way 101
Mining_Drones_Remastered 17.1K
MMD-QoL-Tweaks 29
morelabs >= 0.5.20 4.24K
MoreSciencePacks >= 0.3.16 79
MoreSciencePacks-for1_1 >= 0.3.16 3.61K
multi-product-recipe-details 13.2K
My_add_pack_updated 84
Neko14789_Mod_Fixes_And_Adjustments 36
Nihilist_K2SE_Tweaks 50
nihilist_quickstart 320
Nihilistzsche_FishFarm 1.83K
Nylon 5.91K
OBBS 513
OD27_5dim_compatibility 5.19K
OD27_5dim_compatibility 5.19K
OD27_5dim_mining 528
omnimatter_compression 5.69K
OnlyTrainTransportation >= 0.5.16 265
OreRadar 3.15K
overhead-electrification 571
overhead-electrification-lrfix 54
Package_Fox_Ukrainian >= 0.5.19 760
PHI-MB >= 0.5.0 249
planet-muluna 3.98K
pressurized-boilers 1.67K
qatmore >= 0.5.19 680
qolmod >= 0.5.19 365
quickstart >= 0.4.2 41
RealisticFusionPower 29.1K
RealisticFusionPowerPort 201
Regroup 17
reskins-compatibility 97.8K
reverse-factory 64.1K
RichBlood >= 0.5.13 1.61K
robotworld-continued >= 0.3.6 26.1K
RusGoldLocal-Chapter-4-AAIMods >= 0.0.1 1.15K
science-bottles >= 0.5.11 3.29K
ScienceCostTweakerM 80.3K
SE-5DimCompat 1.67K
SE-5DimCompat 1.67K
se-k2-buding >= 0.5.22 242
settings-embedded-data-code 13
ShinyBob_Menus >= 0.1.11 16
ShinyIcons >= 0.3.1 155
single_train_unit 1.45K
Sixs-Tweaks >= 0.5.19 68
steam-drones >= 0.5.19 8.17K
steam-drones-py >= 0.5.19 187
stupidly-awesome-fuel 14
super-generous-recipes 1.85K
Tantalite 6.05K
ThemTharHills 5.99K
thermal-solar-power-lite 3.72K
tiny-assemblers 1.02K
TinyStartJetpack 465
TinyStartJetpackExtended 413
Transport_Drones_Fuel_revived 1.88K
trigonometric-oil 191
tsu-aai-industry 138
underground-pipe-pack-simplified 897
VPE 14
Water-Friendly-Walls 7.18K
WearAndTear >= 0.1.11 14
WePlayClusterioTestPack 27
wood-industry 670
xp-for-buildings 1.99K
Zh-cnMod 4.23K
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 150
Last dependency data update: 18 hours ago (for v0.6.6)