Teddy's Quality of Life pack

Enable this mod to get all of Teddy's favorite QOL and aesthetic mods. Contains dependencies on all mods in the pack. Does nothing by itself. All credit to all the original mod authors. Note: You will need to download this from the in-game mod portal to ensure that all required mods are also downloaded, otherwise you'll have to add them manually.

Mod packs
9 months ago
Trains Circuit network Blueprints
This mod 45 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 45 Required 45 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 3.47M
base -
auto_manual_mode 10.7K
AutoCircuit 3.37K
AutoDeconstruct 265K
Automatic_Train_Painter 88.6K
automatic-station-painter 16.1K
AutoTrash 41.1K
BlueprintTools 21.0K
bullet-trails 389K
camedo-snapmine 9.14K
ColorCodedPlanners 4.56K
copy-machine-orientation 2.89K
CopyPasteModules 28.6K
DefaultTrainConditions 495
DestructiveBlueprints 2.75K
DiscoScience 194K
DoRobotsBuildAutomaticTrains 9.44K
even-distribution 368K
extended-descriptions 74.2K
FactorySearch 69.4K
Fill4Me-fixed 36.9K
FilterHelper 3.66K
GhostOnWater 15.1K
GhostWarnings 14.1K
GirlCharacter 21.7K
HandyHands 9.89K
inventory-repair 66.1K
lightorio 31.1K
light-overhaul 18.2K
manual-trains-at-temp-stops 5.12K
Milestones 243K
MouseOverConstruction 11.3K
nixie-tubes 65.1K
PowerPole32 7.38K
QuickbarTemplates 8.06K
QuickMapTag 2.95K
RecipeBook 202K
RemoteConfiguration 40.3K
remote-requests 1.88K
resourceMarker 61.3K
Squeak Through 462K
textplates 262K
TintedGhosts 7.36K
VehicleSnap 229K
WireShortcuts 42.0K
Last dependency data update: 11 hours ago (for v1.0.0)