Squeak Through

Allows you to walk between what used to be obstacles such as directly adjacent solar panels, pipes, steam engines, mining drills, and chests. No more frustration when walking about your base!

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1
This mod 2 From other mods 227
Dependency types:
Default 170 Required 176 Conflict 5 Optional 30 Hidden 16
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 229K
91C653F6-CA21-4B79-8B83-00613605B31A 9
All-The-Mods-Translated-BR 397
AllMods 309
Amuxix_qol_collection >= 1.8.2 24
anentiresleeve-pack >= 1.8.2 89
AngelBob 38.7K
AngelBob_with_qol_Skelich >= 1.8.0 12
AngelsBobsSelection >= 1.8.0 9
as2_krastorio >= 1.8.2 1.04K
as2_krastorio_SE >= 1.8.2 312
as2_pyanodons >= 1.8.2 175
atlas-angelOreus-modpack >= 1.8.2 92
BaA_Spring_2024_Pack 849
BABasedModpack >= 1.8.2 198
base-conserved >= 1.8.2 26
BeSeFe 83
BetterFactorio 149
beyond-vanilla-qol >= 1.8.2 1.04K
BigMonDs-Vanilla-Plus >= 1.8.0 16
BiomassPack >= 1.8.2 215
bobangel2021 3.76K
bubblepack = 1.8.0 6
ch-ei-pack 91
Chens-modpack_qol 293
compaktcircuit 7.33K
Control-tweaks 36
CRC_Autism 73
cssa-last-stand 34
Data-tweaks 23
DaThomasSpacePack 97
DD-QoL-ModPack 23
DoublePlates 1.03K
dredgepack 290
ET_s_Modpack >= 1.8.2 46
euclides_eyecandy 158
factmeup 44
fenix-essentials 22
Floki_mod_pack >= 1.8.2 23
foltiks_spaghetti_modpack >= 1.8.0 76
foltiks_ultra_violence_modpack >= 1.3.0 7
fvx_vanilla_qol = 1.8.2 107
gahaha-space-exploration 36
geekbattery-exotic-stuff 42
genpages-personal-modpack 5
greysmod_bobs >= 1.3.0 6
H-QoL-FF 80
help-mods 1.47K
hmm-i-cheats >= 1.8.2 3.95K
HydroelectricPower 10.6K
hypercursed 44
ickputzdirwech-helper-pack >= 1.8.0 8
immortal_sniper1_PY_pack1 1.13K
Improved_gameplay 28
IndustrialRevolution3 60.4K
ingqolpack 5
inixyz_qol 37
InsaneModpack >= 1.8.1 251
IntoTheDeepEnd 9
j00lz-meme-mod 47
Jans_QOL_Pack 99
jcrneep-space-modpack 83
jwwolff-mod-pack 146
k2se-pt 424
kangzoels-qol-modpack 312
karosieben_modpack >= 1.8.1 133
klohgers-chaos-pack >= 1.8.2 21
klynwo-modpack 54
korhal-modpack-qol 93
kras_ghoulash 375
kras_W2 570
krastorio2-branko = 1.8.0 22
KrastorioModPack 1.49K
KuGua33Mod3 112
landairandseas-modpack 75
LazyNewbNotSE 12
LinkedChestAndPipe 2.56K
LinkedChestCheckFix 357
Literal-Rail-World 7
lucky-modpack 156
Mania_krastorio >= 1.8.2 46
martincitopants-new-stream-modpack 1.22K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
martincitopants-space-modpack-2022 5.25K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.13K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.38K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.61K
MD_Industrial_Revolution_2_modlist >= 1.8.2 259
megabase-starter-kit 52
mezzo-streaming-modpack 11
MinersPack 262
modpack-by-7 >= 1.8.2 149
modpack-industrial-revolution-2 2.85K
modpack-voyager >= 1.8.2 58
momobok 37
MultiModJapaneseLanguagePack >= 1.8.2 189
My_personal_modpack >= 1.8.2 40
MyModPackMuit >= 1.8.2 421
N-utilitypack 114
nach0_modpack_Supporting_Mods 868
necro_painful_modpack >= 1.3.0 9
nites-essentials 89
nms-qol 19
nullius-maximus-modpack 6.42K
NulliusBasedModpack >= 1.8.2 160
nzh_factorio_mod 89
OpusMagnoBasicQoLMods 31
orbadon_mod_collection >= 1.8.2 23
pedeeli-modpack-space-exploration 49
prijindal_modpack_essentials 83
pyae_islands_pack 406
qol_by_morality 3.57K
qol_pack 859
rafal-rubaj-modpack 20
reactorio 192
redhats-modpack 34
remi-factoriotr-modpack 23
RUSLocalSomeMods 1.54K
ruvotis-modpack 107
Salis_warptorio_plus_qol_pack 72
salocraft 21
sborochka-kot 20
se-k2-buding >= 1.8.2 219
SeaBlockCustomPack-Variant >= 1.8.1 406
sek2-constraint-relieves >= 1.8.2 82
seqres-qol-mashup 40
shrimpack-QOL 59
silent-pack-2021-1 >= 1.8.2 94
smetdenis-mod-pack 135
space-exploration-speedrun 276
space-modpack 1.84K
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 80
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 164
space_krastorio_2_fine_experience >= 1.8.0 41
SpaceModPack2023 960
squeak-through-2 27.1K
SupplyDrop 14
SupplyDropRefurbished 643
Surfaces 12
Surfaces_Redux 7
Surfaces_remake 18
sztosz_qol 25
Teddys-QOL 61
thar0l-modpack-abc-qol 397
timspeedle-modpack-gameplay-altering >= 1.8.2 88
Tmas-QoL 80
TornBreezes_must_have_mods 172
turbinesplusplus 2.87K
turbinesplusplusfixed 571
turbinesplusplusPDfork 129
umr 14.1K
umr-s 223
umrFixed 404
undermark5-qol-mod-pack 35
unholy_legacy >= 1.8.2 411
useful-mods 354
UtilityTweaksPack 196
utweaks >= 1.8.0 5
vanilla-enhanced 383
verdeks-modpack 17
viktorious_modpack >= 1.8.2 95
VlochekMPBase 59
wocpack2 61
xboxxxxd_modpack 211
yam_modpack_mithrahn 23
YiPack >= 1.8.1 151
yqur3-utility 42
ZooksQoLPack 6
zzzz-random-utilities >= 1.0.0 47
Last dependency data update: 32 minutes ago (for v1.8.2)