Space Modpack 2023

Space Exploration Modpack. Contains "some" quality of life mods and Space Exploration.

Mod packs
1 year, 9 months ago
This mod 60 From other mods 9
Dependency types:
Default 57 Required 54 Conflict 2 Optional 1 Hidden 3
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 6.23M
AttilaSignalsMod 1.34K
AutoDeconstruct 295K
automatic-station-painter 19.1K
Automatic_Train_Painter 101K
base >= 1.1.0 -
beautiful_bridge_railway 51.1K
blueprint-sandboxes 70.7K
BottleneckLite 164K
CanalBuilderMAV 25.1K
cargo-ships 224K
CleanFloor 79.4K
Dirt_Path 11.5K
DiscoScience 234K
equipment-gantry 261K
EvoGUI 109K
expandtooltip 5.25K
extended-descriptions 78.0K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 85.0K
FactorySearch 82.8K
far-reach 201K
fireproof-bots 31.1K
FluidWagonColorMask 68.5K
GUI_Unifyer 53.4K
helmod 444K
inbuilt_lighting 36.0K
InserterFuelLeech 67.9K
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 88.6K
Landfill_plus 21.8K
Milestones 266K
miniloader 192K
ModuleInserterSimplified 133K
Nanobots 188K
playtime-plus 17.9K
queue-to-front-button 21.8K
QuickItemSearch 59.3K
RampantArsenal 153K
rampart_heavy_wall 15.0K
RateCalculator 283K
Robot_Battery_Research 87.4K
Science_pack_glow 17.1K
simple-air-cleaner 23.9K
solar-calc 70.1K
space-exploration 483K
Squeak Through 475K
stargates-se 2.60K
StorageTank2 34.5K
Tapeline 42.2K
textplates 281K
Todo-List 227K
tree_collision 96.5K
Water_Well_Space_Exploration_Patch 2.41K
WaterWell 69.4K
what-is-it-really-used-for 34.1K
WireShortcuts 44.2K
Last dependency data update: 7 hours ago (for v0.0.8)