⚠️ SearchlightAssault ⚠️

Adds a game map and searchlights which sweep for foes at great range, alerting you while directing adjacent turrets to snipe spotted foes. Designed to dovetail with the early-mid game, searchlights provide: - Circuit network interfaces for search & detection I/O - Incentive to automate lamp & combinator production in the early game - New tactics to assault biter bases without leap-frogging turrets!

24 days ago
This mod 2 From other mods 18
Dependency types:
Default 2 Required 5 Conflict 0 Optional 4 Hidden 9
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 763
FIXED_angel-bob-clown-others-modpack 614
all-the-modportal 69
Desolation >= 2.2.17 35
nksadmasmdm 27
NikolaTeslaX-Pack-Greg 18
Last dependency data update: an hour ago (for v2.2.20)