Adds scaled up versions in different sizes for various machines. Number of overtiers can be freely adjusted. Designed for megabases and gigabases, by reducing total number of entities (thus reduced save file size, improved UPS). Includes assembling machine 3, chemical plant, electric furnace, oil refinery, centrifuge, lab, boiler, steam engine, steam turbine, heat exchanger, nuclear reactor, storage tank. (Locale: English, Deutsch, 正體中文, 简体中文, Português Brasileiro, Русский)
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Dependant | 53.0K | |
Optional dependency |
SchallRecipeScaling | 11.2K |
Optional dependency |
SchallLanguagePack | 10.7K |
Optional dependency |
SchallPipeScaling | 9.31K |
Optional dependency |
SchallStartingInventory | 7.14K |
Optional dependency |
Better-UPS-FPS | 7.07K |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
MyRUS2 | 5.21K |
Optional dependency |
SchallMachineModification | 1.51K |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
BestMods | 573 |
Optional dependency |
SchallRecipeScalingBigRecipes | 172 |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz | 129 |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
built_logistics_entity_free | 42 |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
settings-embedded-data-code | 10 |
Optional dependency |
Soft-PvP | 8 |