
Regroup items and recipes for most popular and useful mods. This mod attempts to work with all supported mods together at the same time. This mod has been updated by Richetoku. Original mod, ZGroupChange, by ZlovreD/Progsy.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.16.16
This mod 285 From other mods 11
Dependency types:
Default 285 Required 1 Conflict 0 Optional 284 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 13.9M
5dim_autofill 16.2K
5dim_automatization 77
5dim_battlefield 22.0K
5dim_botrecaller 16.2K
5dim_core 47.0K
5dim_decoration 11.3K
5dim_energy 20.3K
5dim_equipment 21.8K
5dim_infiniteresearch 18.7K
5dim_locale 13.6K
5dim_logistic 20.9K
5dim_mining 20.3K
5dim_module 18.7K
5dim_nuclear 19.3K
5dim_ores 17.4K
5dim_resources 20.3K
5dim_trade 53
5dim_trains 19.5K
5dim_transport 22.3K
5dim_vehicle 63
aai-industry 506K
aai-industry-sp0 9
aai-programmable-structures 121K
aai-programmable-vehicles 164K
aai-signals 159K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner 137K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank 126K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler 123K
aai-vehicles-hauler 134K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank 158K
aai-vehicles-miner 166K
aai-vehicles-warden 129K
aai-zones 120K
accumulator-wagon 10.2K
AddAssemblerBatteries 6
AdequateBotStart 10
AdjustableSciencesBobs 4
Advanced-Electric-v15 8
Advanced_Personal_Defense 15
AdvancedEnergy 4
AfraidOfTheDark 169K
air-filtering 46.4K
Aircraft 166K
alien-module 14.3K
AlternativeOil 9
AlternativeSteam 1.38K
ammo-loader 22.8K
angelsaddons-oresilos 622
angelsaddons-petrotrain 459
angelsaddons-pressuretanks 554
angelsaddons-smeltingtrain 387
angelsaddons-warehouses 848
AngelsAddons-WarehouseSiloFix 7
angelsbioprocessing 176K
angelscomponents 196
angelsexploration 51.7K
angelsindustries 101K
angelsinfiniteores 106K
angelslogistics 230
angelspetrochem 197K
angelsrefining 201K
angelssmelting 192K
angelssmelting-extended 10
AparatusGigantus 8
AquiferDrill 26
Arborium 61
artsfusionreactor 2.74K
arumbalights-fix 7
assembling-machine-up 48
AssemblyZero 14
AtomicBots 10
auto-barrelling 12
auto-research 54.6K
AutoDeconstruct 265K
Avatars 11.6K
Backpack 474
base >= 0.16.30 -
BatteriesNotIncluded 22
beautiful_bridge_railway 49.5K
beltlayer 16.0K
beltSorter 38.9K
BeltUpgrader 19.5K
Better-Axes 28
Better_Artillery_Ammo 5
BetterBelts 9.89K
BigBags 41.4K
Bio_Industries 52.8K
BlackboxChest 9
blueprint-train 23
bob-basic-belt-reskin 27
bobassembly 257K
bobclasses 93.1K
bobelectronics 240K
bobenemies 243K
bobgreenhouse 171K
bobinserters 328K
boblibrary 389K
boblogistics 288K
bobmining 252K
bobmods_gfxtweak 25.1K
bobmodules 230K
bobores 253K
bobplates 251K
bobpower 261K
bobrevamp 215K
bobtech 230K
bobvehicleequipment 180K
bobwarfare 258K
bonus-combinator 5
botReplacer 31.1K
Bottleneck 238K
bright-lamp 20.8K
cargo-ships 207K
ChatToFile 7
clock 49.3K
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear 19.2K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals 17.9K
Clowns-Locale 49
Clowns-Nuclear 23.9K
Clowns-Processing 21.7K
Clowns-Science 14.6K
cncs_Sulfur_Mod 2.22K
color-coding 4.52K
colored-blueprints-redux 5
CompactPower 12
concrete-and-stone 48
conman 19
crafting_combinator 20.5K
Darkstar_utilities_Low_Spec 8
DayNightExtender 74
Dectorio 70.4K
DeepMine 14.1K
Dumb-Robot-Repairing-Vehicle-Fix 4
eboiler 6
Electric Furnaces 57.6K
electric-start 10
Electric-Vehicles-Lib-Reborn (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
Electric-Vehicles-Reborn (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
electricboiler 13.9K
ElectricVehicles 6
even-distribution 368K
EvoGUI 106K
extendedangels 7.83K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Core 15.9K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Equipment 9.46K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Logistics 7.04K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Machines 7.01K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Power 7.10K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Storage 6.77K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Transport 9.74K
FactorioExtended-Plus-Weaponry 11.0K
Factorissimo2 218K
FARL 47.0K
flowcontrolforbob 8
folk-aquarium 6
folk-colorequipment 7
folk-fill 33
folk-logistic-wagon 14
folk-shuttle 15
ForceFields2 7.77K
FuelTrainStop 51.7K
furnace-recipe 21
FusionTrain 4.66K
Geothermal 27.4K
GhostScanner 11.8K
HandCrankGenerator 8
HandyHands 9.89K
helmod 401K
high-pressure-pipes 7.76K
homeworld_redux 761
Hovercraft 39
Induction Charging 22.0K
Inventory Sensor 31.4K
KPOT_Sulfur 4
KPOT_Titanium 5
KS_Power 105K
Laser_Beam_Turrets 59
Layerd-Belts 9
Lenny_Industries 83
LightedPolesPlus 87.4K
LiquifyScienceandLab 1.43K
Load-Furn 167
LoaderRedux 112K
location-combinator 5
logistic-cargo-wagon 12.7K
logistic-research-fix 12
LogisticTrainNetwork 248K
LootChestPlus 8.37K
LTN_Content_Reader 45.8K
manual-inventory-sort 27.8K
mini-machines 9.87K
miniloader 188K
mining speed research 10
Mod_Info (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
ModDeveloperTools 18
ModularChargePacks 346
ModuleInserter 136K
morebobs 15
Nanobots 183K
Natural_Evolution_Buildings 5.10K
Natural_Evolution_Enemies 14.9K
Natural_Evolution_Expansion 17
nekochests 5
nixie-tubes 65.0K
Nuclear Fuel 27.4K
NuclearRobots 24
Oil Patches Organizer 10
OmegaDrill 52.3K
only-smelting 79
Orphan Finder 17.7K
OutpostPlanner 787
OutpostPower 10
PavementDriveAssist 169
Peppermint_Mining 3.98K
PersonalTeleporter 6.68K
Pipe-Manager 4
PipeMeterRedux 12
PlannerCore 395
PlutoniumEnergy 58.6K
power-grid-comb 63.6K
PowerBelt 9
prohibited-build-from-vehicle 7
pushbutton 29.9K
quarry 131
radarplus for rso 5.88K
railloader 57.2K
RailPowerSystem 751
RealisticReactors 22.9K
recursive-blueprints 29.5K
Reinforced-Walls 13.6K
research-queue 80
ResourceLabels 17
reverse-factory 59.4K
robotarmy 32.1K
rso-mod 141K
ShinyAngelGFX 226
Single-SplitterT 12
skan-fusion-robots 4.03K
SmartSplitter-016 7
SmartTrains 6.53K
solaraccu 32
specialized_refineries 25
StoneWaterWell 37.5K
StorageTank2 33.5K
StreetLamps 10
Subterrain 22
Suit-Plug-Continued 8
Teleportation 85
textplates 262K
The_Updated_Red_Assembling_Machine 4
TheFatController 18.6K
TheyreMadeOutofMeat 8
TinyStart 25.8K
TKNRobotics 4
Train_Ore_Color-016 7
TrainDepot 5
TrainsCaller 14
TrainsSignalSender 11
transformators 5
truck 12
UltimateBelts 52.3K
UnminableBots 3.29K
upgrade-planner 260
UsefulCombinators 7.92K
Vehicle Wagon 60
VersepellesAquaFarm015 1.50K
vtk-armor-reach 9.60K
walls-block-spitters 12.7K
Warehousing 191K
Waterfill_v15 119
WaterWell 67.7K
WideChests 108K
Wood_Bricks 209
wormmus-config 10
wormmus-inf-tech 8
yi_engines 19.7K
yi_railway 16.5K
Yi_Tech_Tree 8.29K
Yuoki 26.7K
z_yira_american 6.11K
z_yira_UP 12.5K
z_yira_yuokirails 12.3K
zskfurnace 4
Last dependency data update: 23 hours ago (for v0.16.11)