Realistic Reactors deprecated

Add realistic nuclear reactors including a breeder reactor type and cooling tower. The reactors must be controlled through integrated circuit interface signals. The thermal energy output is dynamic and depends on reactor core temperature. The reactors require sophisticated designs of their cooling system and heat-pipe network. If the operational conditions aren't met then a reactor core meltdown with dangerous consequences occurs

9 months ago
0.16 - 1.1
This mod 4 From other mods 62
Dependency types:
Default 29 Required 27 Conflict 2 Optional 20 Hidden 13
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 7.96K
hmm-g-nuclear >= 3.1.4 3.74K
Ubiquity >= 3.1.2 847
bigbigmod 411
nach0_modpack_compat 381
hard-reset >= 3.1.5 308
RR-PE-PlayNice 278
ProjectFactorio 216
StsSEK2BZmodpack >= 3.1.5 190
gesugaosan-modpack-general 185
EthryansModpack 181
Ubiquity_Unstable >= 3.1.2 166
Blood-N-Wine-Factorio-Edition >= 3.1.4 127
LazyNewbSE 127
N-industrypack 122
Farlands 111
RealisticReactors-PlutoniumEnergy-fuel-fix >= 1.5.6 104
DifferentFactories 91
all-the-modportal 80
CRC_Autism 75
exfret_space_modmash 67
MeelocksEthryansModpack 21
Grado_ABCX 17
LazyNewbNotSE 16
Farlands_Smurrlawa 13
linedown_modpack >= 2.17.8 7
To_The_Future 7
Last dependency data update: 15 hours ago (for v3.1.5)