
by Veden

Improves the enemies tactics by using potential fields (pheromones) allowing probing of defenses, retreats, reinforcements, counterattacking, breaching, raids, rallying death cry, and player hunting. Uses blockable biter projectiles. Adds new Enemies which can be disabled in mod settings. Difficulty setting in mod options menu.

11 months ago
0.13 - 1.1
This mod 10 From other mods 96
Dependency types:
Default 64 Required 39 Conflict 7 Optional 34 Hidden 16
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 85.7K
RampantEvolution 25.1K
alien-module >= 0.16.34 14.3K
Bioluminescence 6.87K
Swarmageddon 6.43K
rampant-creep-fix >= 1.0.1 5.87K
Noxys_QuickerStumpFade 3.60K
new_weapons 3.47K
biter-power 2.38K
Skymageddon 2.33K
Warmonger >= 3.3.0 1.84K
AngryBiters >= 3.1.2 1.77K
compressed-biter-squads 1.55K
help-mods 1.48K
Alien-Chaos-modpack 1.20K
Biomass >= 3.1.2 1.14K
AlienLootRebalanced >= 0.16.34 1.14K
Extended-Laser-Turrets 1.08K
Pheromones 1.05K
alien-economy-light >= 0.16.34 756
Package_Fox_Ukrainian >= 3.1.2 643
BestMods 548
MatrixDJ96-QOL-Modpack 443
kraskaska-biomass-biters >= 3.3.2 443
Fork-Power-Armour-Replacer >= 3.1.2 108
Hovercraft >= 0.16 39
built_logistics_entity_free 34
ReinforcedTurret >= 0.17.28 19
silentium-noxe 17
AlienLootRevisited >= 0.16.34 9
PollutionSolutions_nocombat 9
kill_count_combinator 8
Hovercrafts_Realism >= 0.17.0 7
alien-module-nohyper >= 0.16.34 6
YobaBiters 5
Last dependency data update: 6 hours ago (for v3.3.4)