Given the full Py suit's complexity, we can add several QOL mods. But those mods often lack Py compatibility. This mod makes adjustments and improvements to seamlessly fit Pyanodon. Currently compatible mods: AAI Signal Transmission, Moon Logic, Memory Storage, Fluid Memory Storage, Fluid Must Flow, Advanced Fluid Handling. 由于Py的复杂度,需要一些辅助模组。但相互并非平衡兼容,故本模组提供一些特调。 目前兼容的模组:AAI 信号传输、太阴运算、无限存储箱、无限流体罐、流必流、先进地下管。
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Dependency | 48.5K | |
Required dependency |
pyalternativeenergy | 48.5K |