OD27 fork of 5Dim's mod - New Compatibility

Compatibility mods for OD27 fork of 5Dim's mod This mod add compatibility with other mods and include some items into 5Dim's tabs Actual compatibility: - Krastorio 2 - Space Exploration - Bob's mods - Angel's mods - Omni mods (Except omnifuild) - Cargo Ships - Bob inserters - AAI Industry - Bio industries - Mod Mash - And more!

10 months ago
This mod 23 From other mods 3
Dependency types:
Default 23 Required 1 Conflict 3 Optional 19 Hidden 0
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 3.66M
Krastorio2 339K
space-exploration 483K
boblibrary 397K
omnilibrary (Invalid: Failed to find mod) -
aai-industry 527K
cargo-ships 223K
aai-industry 527K
LoaderRedux 113K
Warehousing 209K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 107K
Deadlock5Dims 1.29K
aai-containers 527K
deep-storage-unit 37.9K
fluid-memory-storage 31.7K
logistic-memory-units 3.52K
Transport_Drones 77.5K
Orbital Ion Cannon 418
Bio_Industries 54.5K
modmash 4.30K
Last dependency data update: an hour ago (for v1.1.20)