NikolaTeslaX Pack - Greg

A modpack for a friend. You are welcome to play with it, of course.

Mod packs
5 months ago
This mod 176 From other mods 0
Dependency types:
Default 176 Required 176 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 9.58M
base -
research-desk-fork-localized-en 55
overhead-electrification-lrfix 54
Mobile_Factory_SolarFix 140
aai-signals 170K
accumulator-wagon-redux 662
Advanced-Portable-Solar-Panel 620
Advanced-Solar-and-Accumulator 6.92K
AdvancedArtilleryRemotesContinued 14.3K
AdvancedArtilleryShells 732
AdvancedBelts 21.4K
AdvancedSubstation 11.5K
Advanced_Fishing 6.80K
Aircraft 171K
AircraftRealism 55.2K
alien-biomes 620K
always_red_rail_signal_continued 481
armor-spill-prevention 2.83K
Armored-train 57.2K
armoredWall 2.75K
artillery-wagon-mk2 2.07K
assembler-pipe-passthrough-v2 360
AutoDeconstruct 295K
automatic-discharge-defense 2.15K
ballistic_missile 24.5K
battery-powered 9.34K
beautiful_bridge_railway_Cargoships 44.2K
belt-visualizer 75.1K
beltbox-barreling 786
BeltUpgrader 23.0K
bigger_slower_trains-M 1.08K
blueprint-sandboxes 70.7K
bullet-trails 423K
bzgas 27.5K
camedo-microwave 3.02K
CanalBuilderMAV 25.1K
cargo-ships 224K
cargo-ships-graphics 220K
cargo-ships-nofreepower 727
ch-concentrated-solar 35.1K
ChangeInserterDropLane 14.2K
color-coded-pipes 12.1K
CombatRobotsOverhaul 9.43K
CompressedFluids 12.4K
copy-machine-orientation 2.94K
copy-paste-recipe-signals-to-combinator 6.13K
creative-mod 105K
CursorEnhancements 43.8K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 108K
DeadlockCrating 16.9K
DeadlockStackingForVanilla 17.2K
dedicated-bot-charger 2.91K
deep-storage-unit 38.1K
diessselTrains 76
DiscoScience 234K
DMV_Directional_Movement_Vehicles 960
EarlyHeating 1.42K
EasyMediumPole 2.29K
electric-shuttle-train 4.39K
Electric-Weapons 39.3K
equipment-gantry 261K
EquipmentGridLogisticModule 5.64K
even-distribution 423K
extended-descriptions 78.0K
extra-storage-tank-minibuffer 13.1K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 85.0K
FARL 47.7K
Fill4Me-fixed 39.2K
FilterInsertersBegone 3.76K
FishBreeder 1.99K
flamethrower-wagon 5.46K
flib 863K
fluid-memory-storage 31.8K
FluidMustFlow 179K
fluidTrainsReshare 945
FluidWagonColorMask 68.5K
FreeCable 1.04K
freerobodocking 561
Full_Power_Coverage_017 924
HandyHandsCommunity 1.92K
HeavyWagon 915
HelicopterRevival 82.6K
HermiosLibs 2.41K
Hermios_Framework 2.03K
heroturrets 55.4K
Honk 99.8K
ick-automatic-train-repair 13.9K
implant_camera 7.27K
inbuilt_lighting 36.0K
jatmn_stone_ammo 3.61K
Kux-CoreLib 76.0K
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 88.6K
LaneBalancer 6.28K
large-storage-tank 21.4K
liborio 55.5K
LogisticTrainNetwork 255K
LSlib 61.1K
lt-2k 3.21K
ltn-cleanup 34.2K
LtnManager 102K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 89.9K
LTN_Content_Reader 46.6K
maintenance-wagon 2.57K
MF_Base 10.8K
Mobile_Factory_Graphics 10.5K
More_Ammo 26.6K
more_circuit_signals_UPDATED 1.75K
MultipleUnitTrainControl 4.54K
Nanobots 188K
nicefill 17.2K
OmegaDrill 60.3K
OmegaDrill_MK2 19.0K
PasteSignals 1.59K
PavementDriveAssistContinued 16.2K
PipeMeterWLK 1.65K
PipeVisualizer 91.0K
planetImagingSatellite 1.95K
platforms 6.64K
pollution-combinator 777
Power Armor MK3 195K
power-combinator 10.3K
power-priority 2.76K
PowerCrystals 119
PoweredBelts 781
PowerOverload 3.60K
queue-to-front-button 21.8K
radar-signals 2.31K
railloader 58.7K
RailPowerSystem 841
RailSignalPlanner 29.2K
RampantArsenal 153K
rangeindicators_ht 1.02K
Reactor Interface 6.26K
Robocharger 38.0K
Robot256Lib 29.5K
RPGsystem 124K
rusty-locale 74.4K
rz-water-placeable-lamps 9.04K
ScanningRadar_Blueprintable 362
SchallTransportGroup 26.2K
SearchlightAssault 13.5K
ShoreWalls 1.02K
Shortcuts-ick 52.5K
show-max-underground-distance 91.4K
Side Inserters 33.0K
SmartArtilleryWagons 1.17K
sonaxaton-research-queue 49.2K
Soundpack-alerts-and-sirens-updated-v1-1 4.97K
speaker-signals-expansion-reloaded 751
Squeak Through 475K
stack-combinator 17.6K
stdlib 407K
steamtrainreupload 461
SteelSmallPowerPoles 214
Steves_Double_Circuits 1.20K
Subterrain_new 775
ThickerLines 12.6K
train-log 30.0K
train-signal-visualizer 11.1K
train-upgrader 36.0K
TrainDriver_A16_fix 4.99K
TrainSpeedLimit_018_Port 2.35K
train_tech 9.85K
tree_collision 96.5K
VehicleWagon2 22.4K
vibrant-trains 4.50K
visual_tracers 5.10K
Warehousing 210K
water-belts 4.76K
water-consumes-pollution 20.3K
WideChests 120K
Wilhelm_Scream 565
WindSpeedChanging 7.82K
windturbines-redux 5.71K
Workbench 4.54K
zoom-mod 925
Last dependency data update: 21 hours ago (for v1.0.0)