Luzivras Factorio Power

Adds Solarpannels and Accumulators MK 1-8, Mk1 = 8 Normal pannels/accumulators Each Mark, means times 8 in power (additional cost on higher tears, to make a balance for the space)

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1
This mod 1 From other mods 18
Dependency types:
Default 3 Required 5 Conflict 2 Optional 1 Hidden 10
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 1.11K
FIXED_angel-bob-clown-others-modpack 617
bigbigmod 374
all-the-modportal 75
nksadmasmdm 27
mein-mod-pag 15
Last dependency data update: an hour ago (for v1.1.0)