Liquify Intermediate Materials

Transform stone-brick, concrete, iron-plate, copper-plate, solid-fuel, steel-plate, plastic-bar, sulfur, battery, copper-cable, iron-stick, iron-gear-wheel, electronic-circuit, advanced-circuit, processing-unit, engine-unit, electric-engine-unit, uranium-235, uranium-238, uranium-fuel-cell, used-up-uranium-fuel-cell, rocket-control-unit, low-density-structure and rocket-fuel into fluids allowing using pipes and tanks for logistics.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.18
This mod 0 From other mods 12
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Default 1 Required 1 Conflict 1 Optional 0 Hidden 10
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Dependant 7
Liquify 7
Last dependency data update: 44 minutes ago (for v0.0.5)