Industrial Revolution 3

An overhaul mod based on material progression. Expanded crafting system; hundreds of original sprites and icons; new buildings, technologies, toys, mechanics.

4 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage
This mod 32 From other mods 120
Dependency types:
Default 92 Required 45 Conflict 15 Optional 38 Hidden 22
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 209K
PlutoniumEnergy >= 3.1.5 64.8K
Clowns-Nuclear >= 3.0.1 24.4K
IndustrialRevolution_Language_Pack >= 3.1.0 20.9K
Mining-Space-Industries-II >= 3.0.7 9.59K
steam-drones >= 3.0.14 8.16K
kj_horns >= 3.0.0 1.95K
IR3-ja >= 3.0.1 917
router >= 3.0 431
biter-factory >= 3.1 415
SimpleRadioTowers >= 3.0.0 271
kj_falloutSounds >= 3.1.30 265
RevolutionaryShipping >= 3.1.5 263
steam-drones-py >= 3.0.14 182
FinerWorldOptions >= 3.0.0 148
MoveStartingPatches >= 3.0.0 126
Fork-Power-Armour-Replacer >= 3.1.0 120
Rocket-Silo-Construction 39.4K
petcat 7.96K
Common-Industries 7.52K
team_competition 5.01K
DeepMineALT 4.78K
SpaceModFeorasFork 2.45K
redmew-data 1.77K
Early_Mini_Trains 1.74K
ColdBitersExpanded 1.13K
Li-Module-Fix 838
YourCheapMode 735
BestMods 573
Lightning 519
All-The-Mods-Translated-BR 446
fuel-category-compatibility 376
arcotorio 184
underground-pipe-pack-adjustments 175
barrel-crafting 135
built_logistics_entity_free 42
WePlayIR3Simple 29
WePlayClusterioTestPack 27
Last dependency data update: 10 hours ago (for v3.1.30)