Industrial Revolution 3

An overhaul mod based on material progression. Expanded crafting system; hundreds of original sprites and icons; new buildings, technologies, toys, mechanics.

5 months ago
Transportation Logistics Trains Combat Mining Fluids Logistic network Manufacturing Power Storage
This mod 32 From other mods 118
Dependency types:
Default 90 Required 45 Conflict 14 Optional 37 Hidden 22
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 351K
IR2FarmFish 3.49K
IR2BronzeLocomotive 3.04K
IndustrialRevolution3Inspiration >= 3.1.29 2.90K
IR3CargoShips 2.51K
IndustrialRevolution3-zh-CN-Language-Pack >= 3.0.4 2.37K
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-IR3 1.63K
ir3-early-logistics >= 3.0.6 1.61K
IR3_LinearMiningProd >= 3.0.0 1.59K
IndustrialRevolution3-zh-CN-Language-Pack-new >= 3.1.30 1.42K
ir3-rubber >= 3.1.0 1.41K
AAIVehicles-IR3-fuelcompatibility >= 3.1.8 982
AAIContainers-IR3-filtercompatibility >= 3.1.8 749
CargoShips-IR3-fuelcompatibility >= 3.1.8 527
XaneAdvancedUpgrades >= 3.1.0 500
ir-warptorio-compat >= 3.1.0 472
Zolo-IR3-Modpack 432
Aircraft-IR3-fuelcompatibility >= 3.1.8 388
IR3_steam_locomotive >= 3.1.20 374
IR3FR >= 3.1.0 318
ir3-cybersyn >= 3.0 285
Expensive_FMF_Recipes_IR3 262
ProductionScrapForIR3 >= 3.1.23 239
jetpackfuel4IR3 >= 3.1.22 208
ir3-shortcuts-controllerfix 180
IR3-IntermodalContainers 151
WoodProcessing >= 3.1.26 134
IR3_Chute >= 3.1.23 119
AdvancedRails >= 3.1.26 87
all-the-modportal 82
AO-IR3-fix 78
zo-IR-pack 76
compat-IceOre-IR3 65
BiterIndustries >= 3.1.23 55
Desolation >= 3.1.29 44
ir-warptorio-compat-fix >= 3.1.0 9
IndustrialRevolution3Assets1 >= 3.1.30 62.9K
IndustrialRevolution3Assets2 >= 3.1.24 62.6K
IndustrialRevolution3Assets3 >= 3.1.24 62.4K
IndustrialRevolution3Assets4 >= 3.1.0 62.1K
IndustrialRevolution3LoadersStacking >= 3.1.30 25.6K
IndustrialRevolution3SpaceMining >= 3.1.13 22.9K
IndustrialRevolution3Airships >= 3.1.30 17.3K
IndustrialRevolution3ForestryCombinators >= 3.1.13 5.90K
IR3PatchFR >= 3.1.3 518
IR3-Recipes-Fix >= 3.0.1 210
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v3.1.30)