Industrial Revolution 2 deprecated

An overhaul mod based on material progression. Expanded crafting system. Hundreds of original sprites and icons. New buildings, research, toys and mechanics.

2 years ago
This mod 8 From other mods 120
Dependency types:
Default 94 Required 47 Conflict 14 Optional 36 Hidden 23
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 1.09M
248k 51.7K
archie-tiberium-ir2-compat >= 2.0.4 349
asj-modpack-space 135
baguette_super_generous 40
BigLight 6.42K
blast_mining 349
CatMiningAndSmelting 197
DisplayPlates 32.7K
DK_IR2_AU >= 2.3.2 26
DopePole >= 1.0.12 5
droef-krastorio2-ir2-compat >= 2.0.4 656
DyWorld-Dynamics-2 391
early_construction >= 1.0 23.0K
enemyracemanager 13.2K
ExplosiveBitersExpanded 975
flexible-modules 150
FoodIndustry 1.24K
Hack_Roboport >= 2.2.3 42
HX_extended_MP >= 2.3.2 89
industrial-adjustments 171
industrial-revolution-adjustments >= 2.3.2 330
Industrial-Revolution-Modpack 1.35K
industrial-revolution-tweaks-fungeon >= 0.99.6 6
IndustrialRevolution-ExtendedCompatibility >= 2.2.3 2.00K
IndustrialRevolution-Miniloader >= 2.0.0 5.71K
IndustrialRevolution3 62.5K
IndustrialRevolution_AutomaticTrainFuelStop >= 2.0.0 1.33K
IndustrialRevolution_Dae_BP 9
IndustrialRevolution_SchallAutolinkedChest 178
IndustrialRevolutionLanguagePack >= 2.3.0 962
IndustrialRevolutionRebalance >= 2.0.3 424
IndustrialTextures >= 2.3.2 601
IR-Chromium_Synthesis >= 0.99.7 7
IR-HighEndTweaks >= 0.99.6 9
IR-mining-research-recost >= 1.0.6 7
IR-RepairTurret-Compatibility >= 0.99.7 7
ir-synthetic-gems >= 1.0.12 5
ir2-arc-furnace-module 692
IR2_ChemRubber >= 2.3.2 334
IR2_LinearMiningProd >= 2.0.0 519
IR2_RubberTreeSelectiveBreeding >= 2.3.2 2.06K
IR2AdvancedPumpjacks >= 2.0.0 539
IR2AtomicBomb 267
ir2fixes >= 2.0.0 47
IR2SteamRadar 336
IRLT_ja >= 1.0.8 7
IRRangeConfig >= 1.0.3 9
k2-containers 292
k2-steel-pipes >= 0.0.1 2.41K
Krastorio2_Modules_Updated >= 2.1.0 11.1K
kry-inserters >= 2.0 12.5K
laser_tanks 52
Li-VariationFactory 2.71K
liquid-transfer-tube 327
Load-Furn 170
Load-Furn-2 >= 2.0 46.8K
Load-Furn-Fixed >= 2.0 10.1K
LootChestPlusPlus >= 0.9.99 8
MD_Industrial_Revolution_2_modlist >= 2.1.2 260
modpack-industrial-revolution-2 2.86K
MuroIR2KR2CompFix 33
Nanobots-IR >= 0.9.999 11
nanobotsfix-for-IR >= 0.9.0 8
P3pp3rModpack_IR2 >= 2.2.1 197
povertylogistics_industrialrevolution >= 1.0.9 5
RealisticFusionWeaponry 14.4K
reverse-factory >= 2.0.2 60.1K
Rich-Rocks-Requiem >= 2.0.3 3.02K
Roboport_and_Radar_MK2 >= 2.2.3 10.2K
rz-IR2CompatibilityFixes 2.64K
science-bottles >= 2.3.2 3.29K
space-exploration 479K
SpaceModFeorasFork 1.63K
specialized-oil-processing 5.67K
spidertron-extended >= 2.3.2 70.2K
super-generous-recipes 1.84K
Superheating-Balanced 284
TBobMod 37
tree-growth-scaled-trees 9
ukezi_burner_radar 7
ukezi_capped_beams_change 6
ukezi_Construction_Drones_IR_Compatibility 6
ukezi_inserter_speed_change 5
void_info 195
VPE 13
vtk-deep-core-mining >= 2.1.2 35.9K
vtk-deep-core-mining-ir >= 1.0.12 5
warptorio2_expansion 10.9K
warptorio3_expansion 553
WaterWell >= 0.99.0 68.9K
WaterWellRev >= 0.99.0 14
WideChests_AAI_Containers_Fix >= 1.1.26 11.0K
ZRecipeRandomizer 5.67K
zzzzDeadlockStackingForIR 9
Last dependency data update: 14 hours ago (for v2.3.2)