Imperfection (Alpha)

The 'standard' Imperfection suite. All but the most annoying and/or extreme aspects are included.

Mod packs
6 months ago
Transportation Logistics Environment Mining Fluids Manufacturing Storage
This mod 28 From other mods 3
Dependency types:
Default 28 Required 22 Conflict 2 Optional 4 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 1.34M
base >= 1.1 -
Arson >= 0.2.2 846
Assembler_Assay >= 1.1.17 375
Bot_Servicing >= 1.4.9 556
BurnerOffshorePumpUpdate >= 1.1.1 443
Clockwork >= 1.1.1 31.2K
Dirt_Path >= 1.3.8 10.8K
DivOresity >= 1.2.4 1.58K
extinguisher >= 1.1.1 1.35K
factoryplanner >= 1.1.78 251K
Flare Stack >= 2.2.10 84.2K
FNEI >= 0.4.2 307K
helmod >= 1.0.9 422K
Imperfect_Engineer >= 0.1.0 73
Imperfect_Starting_Gear >= 0.1.0 118
Imperfect_Stone_Disposal >= 0.1.0 68
Imperfect_Storage >= 0.1.0 74
Imperfection_Lite >= 0.1.0 17
Imperfection_Complete >= 0.1.0 46
PoweredBeltsExtended >= 1.0.1 249
RecipeBook >= 3.5.8 208K
SmogSolarPanels >= 1.3.2 2.49K
SmogVisualPollution >= 1.2.2 2.38K
SpilledItems >= 1.2.1 705
Trees >= 4.5.1 13.4K
undeletable-fluids >= 1.0.4 1.87K
VasNoInfinite >= 0.2.9 498
Wildfire >= 0.0.6 1.18K
Last dependency data update: 23 hours ago (for v0.1.1)