
by kovus

Fill4Me will automatically insert fuel and/or ammunition from your main inventory into entities when you place them. It is mod-agnostic and will learn about items & entities in other mods. It is an alternative to the Autofill mod.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

b bug ish

5 years ago

the mod Endgame Combat has a research that modifies range of turrets but it does so in a way that changes the name of the turrets, when it does this it causes Fill4Me to not know about the upgraded turrets. Endgame Combat does not have separate entities for all of the upgrades, it looks to be dynamic and able to apply to any turret from any mod. is there a way you could add another event to regenerate the to fill list every time a research is complete? i only come to this mod because i think any fix for the other mod would make it not work right.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Please check that you have updated your version of both Fill4Me and Endgame Combat. I've worked with Reika to solve this particular conflict of mod operations.

The actual issue encountered was not that Fill4Me was unaware of the new turret type. The problem was that when you placed a turret, Endgame Combat was silently replacing the turret with the current range-boosted version. When it did that, Fill4Me no longer had a turret to try and fill (as the original turret you placed would be deleted). Again, this problem has been solved in current versions of Fill4Me and Endgame Combat by having Endgame Combat generate a correct event to let other mods (including Fill4Me) know about the new entity that it has created.

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