FIXED_Angel, Bob, Clown and other mods - modpack

by ted751

The core of this modpack is Angel's, Bob's and Clown's mods.

Mod packs
2 years ago
This mod 339 From other mods 10
Dependency types:
Default 339 Required 338 Conflict 0 Optional 1 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 25.8M
flib 782K
alien-biomes 589K
informatron 563K
jetpack 557K
aai-industry 506K
shield-projector 499K
aai-signal-transmission 497K
aai-containers 496K
Squeak Through 462K
simhelper 424K
helmod 400K
stdlib 396K
bullet-trails 388K
boblibrary 388K
even-distribution 368K
bobinserters 327K
combat-mechanics-overhaul 288K
boblogistics 287K
grappling-gun 280K
textplates 261K
bobpower 261K
bobwarfare 258K
bobassembly 256K
bobores 253K
bobmining 252K
bobplates 251K
equipment-gantry 251K
LogisticTrainNetwork 248K
bobenemies 243K
Milestones 243K
bobelectronics 239K
bobmodules 230K
factoryplanner 230K
bobtech 230K
VehicleSnap 229K
bobequipment 222K
bobrevamp 215K
Todo-List 213K
Waterfill_v17 212K
cargo-ships 206K
cargo-ships-graphics 202K
angelsrefining 201K
alien-biomes-hr-terrain 199K
angelspetrochem 197K
DiscoScience 193K
angelssmelting 192K
Warehousing 191K
miniloader 188K
Power Armor MK3 186K
Flow Control 181K
bobvehicleequipment 180K
angelsbioprocessing 176K
far-reach 172K
bobgreenhouse 171K
AfraidOfTheDark 169K
qol_research 169K
angelsaddons-storage 167K
Aircraft 166K
aai-vehicles-miner 166K
FluidMustFlow 162K
aai-signals 158K
aai-vehicles-laser-tank 158K
ArmouredBiters 154K
rso-mod 141K
aai-vehicles-chaingunner 137K
aai-vehicles-hauler 134K
BottleneckLite 129K
aai-vehicles-warden 129K
aai-vehicles-flame-tank 126K
aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler 123K
aai-programmable-structures 121K
aai-zones 120K
reskins-library 112K
WideChests 108K
reskins-bobs 107K
EvoGUI 106K
angelsinfiniteores 105K
angelsindustries 101K
Enhanced_Map_Colors 101K
LtnManager 100K
SpaceMod 99.3K
reskins-angels 98.1K
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 97.3K
reskins-compatibility 95.0K
Mining_Drones 92.8K
Repair_Turret 91.4K
Honk 90.5K
angelsaddons-mobility 88.6K
Automatic_Train_Painter 88.4K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 86.9K
PipeVisualizer 84.2K
Flare Stack 82.2K
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 80.8K
tree_collision 80.2K
angelsaddons-cab 76.9K
Transport_Drones 75.8K
ElectricTrain 74.4K
extended-descriptions 74.0K
Teleporters 73.6K
show-max-underground-distance 71.8K
Dectorio 70.3K
rusty-locale 70.2K
spidertron-extended 69.1K
WaterWell 67.7K
fast_trans 67.0K
nixie-tubes 64.9K
CleanFloor 62.4K
resourceMarker 61.1K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 60.3K
FluidWagonColorMask 60.2K
LSlib 59.8K
reverse-factory 59.3K
Explosive_biters 59.1K
PlutoniumEnergy 58.6K
bigger-artillery 58.0K
railloader 57.1K
Cold_biters 55.0K
calculator-ui 54.3K
OmegaDrill 52.3K
AircraftRealism 51.1K
beautiful_bridge_railway 49.4K
belt-balancer 49.4K
GUI_Unifyer 49.2K
GDIW 47.0K
TimeTools 46.7K
LTN_Content_Reader 45.7K
Load-Furn-2 45.5K
ChangeMapSettings 43.6K
actual-craft-times-remade 43.1K
Shortcuts-ick 43.0K
Updated_Construction_Drones 40.9K
Tapeline 39.7K
Electric-Weapons 38.2K
CharacterModHelper 37.7K
StoneWaterWell 37.5K
betterCargoPlanes 36.9K
Rocket-Silo-Construction 36.8K
vtk-deep-core-mining 35.4K
inbuilt_lighting 35.3K
kj_fuel 34.3K
deep-storage-unit 34.1K
ltn-cleanup 33.4K
deadlock-integrations 33.0K
RealisticFusionPower 28.4K
200 Inventory Size 28.0K
fluid-memory-storage 28.0K
Big-Monsters 27.1K
Yuoki 26.7K
train-log 26.4K
tarantulator 24.2K
Clowns-Nuclear 23.9K
minime 23.7K
simple-air-cleaner 23.6K
AsphaltPaving 23.2K
OreEraser 22.9K
SchallTransportGroup 22.7K
holographic_signs 22.1K
Clowns-Processing 21.6K
SchallAlienLoot 20.6K
Raven 20.2K
solar-walls 19.7K
yi_engines 19.7K
Infinizoom 19.3K
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear 19.2K
DeathMarkers 18.8K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals 17.9K
angels-smelting-extended 17.7K
Hover-Car 16.9K
DeadlockStackingForVanilla 16.7K
Science_pack_glow 16.7K
genshin-impact-music 16.7K
BetterAlertArrows 16.7K
Asteroid_Mining 16.6K
DeadlockCrating 16.5K
yi_railway 16.5K
bobplatesextension 16.4K
kj_40kdreadnought 16.3K
kj_40kbaneblade 16.2K
spidertron-logistics 16.1K
SchallPickupTower 15.8K
genshin-impact-skin 15.6K
IndustrialDisplayPlates 15.6K
EvenMoreTextPlates 15.2K
kj_40kpredator 15.0K
kj_40klemanruss 14.6K
Clowns-Science 14.6K
TrashChest 14.6K
BatteryElectricTrain 14.5K
More_Repair_Packs 14.2K
ImprovedCombinator 13.9K
angelsaddons-nilaus 13.8K
accumulator-walls 13.7K
ick-automatic-train-repair 13.6K
HallOfFame 13.4K
AngelsSmeltingExtension 13.2K
logistic-cargo-wagon 12.7K
kj_b17 12.5K
SchallArtillery 12.5K
AngelsWarehouseExtension 12.4K
z_yira_UP 12.4K
z_yira_yuokirails 12.3K
kj_b2 12.3K
angelsaddons-shred 12.2K
DeadlockStackingForBobs 12.1K
AngelsPetroChemExtension 12.0K
SSP 12.0K
map-tag-generator 11.7K
SchallCircuitGroup 11.5K
SearchlightAssault 11.5K
Solar-Lamp 11.4K
AdvancedSubstation 11.3K
kj_panzer4 10.9K
kj_ju87 10.8K
kj_bf109 10.6K
ClosestFirstOneDotOne 10.6K
pipelayer 10.4K
kj_maustank 10.4K
kj_ho229 10.2K
accumulator-wagon 10.2K
miku-bikini-swimsuit 10.2K
kj_ju52 10.1K
DeadlockStackingForAngels 10.0K
SchallLanguagePack 9.83K
thermal-solar-power 9.63K
kj_xb35 9.52K
kj_rattetank 9.44K
kj_vierling 9.44K
SchallAlienTech 9.43K
Nuclear Locomotives 9.37K
kj_2a6 9.27K
kj_rattetank_graphics 9.27K
kj_jug38 9.20K
mferrari-mod-sounds 8.89K
kj_40kbunker 8.83K
rz-water-placeable-lamps 8.82K
Switch_Button-1_0 8.77K
kj_pak 8.69K
angelsextended-remelting-fixed 8.60K
MicroFurnaceWipMod 8.55K
UtilizationMonitorBlargh 8.45K
TheArcFurnace 8.34K
zJatmnYiFixes 8.17K
simpleSolarThermal 8.17K
AngelBob-Petrochem-Power 8.09K
kj_rex 7.97K
Warehousing-Compression 7.71K
steamTrains 7.67K
kj_fordmustang 7.62K
SchallArmouredTrain 7.61K
TeslaTank 7.60K
SchallMissileCommand 7.57K
kj_wirbelwind 7.44K
UI_Hotkeys 7.43K
Renamer 7.41K
NuclearFurnace 7.28K
regenerate-terrain 7.28K
DeadlockStackingForSchallAlienLoot 7.23K
kj_utilitarian 7.15K
kj_aventador 7.14K
event-listener 7.09K
kj_tower 7.02K
rocket-silo-stats 6.96K
implant_camera 6.81K
concentrated-solar-power 6.72K
MushroomCloud-patched 6.71K
KingsNuclearBots 6.62K
kj_warrig 6.48K
platforms 6.41K
kj_cybertruck 6.36K
kj_delorean 6.35K
Speckled-advanced-solar 6.32K
SchallLandMine 6.20K
Reactor Interface 6.19K
LaneBalancer 6.18K
ItemGiverGuiFix 6.10K
NPBees2 5.92K
SimpleCompress 5.89K
InfiniteFuel 5.78K
Munda_Big_Machine 5.73K
SchallRadioactiveWaste 5.68K
DedLib 5.53K
kj_gigahorse 5.50K
SchallOilFuel 5.23K
Generic_Logistic_Chest 5.21K
oil_burner 5.19K
UnstoppableForce11 4.94K
speaker-signals-2 4.75K
barrel-breakdown 4.68K
MxlChievements 4.68K
iClock 4.53K
Luzivras_Factorio_Core 4.53K
Barrel-Size 4.51K
SchallCombatRobotics 4.50K
Luzivras_Factorio_Power 4.45K
kj_itembunker 4.34K
Angel_Carbon_Instead_Coal 4.23K
Sandros-fixes 4.23K
miku 4.11K
pollution-visuals 4.09K
kj_dunka_labs 4.01K
windturbines-2-configurable-power 3.86K
barreling-group 3.78K
factorissimo-power-pole-addon 3.75K
Namelists 3.67K
simple-wood-liquefaction 3.67K
barrels-of-steam 3.65K
PicksBaseMod 3.54K
MoreSciencePacks-for1_1 3.53K
scan-rocket-with-radars 3.46K
hatsune-enrichment-process 3.42K
Ekusplosion 3.38K
kj_lightmachine 3.38K
rocket_target 3.31K
science-bottles 3.27K
snouz-useful-icons 3.23K
emoji-signals 3.22K
jatmn_stone_ammo 3.22K
noangledcables 3.18K
Barrel_Coolant 3.17K
DeadlockStackingForDeepCoreMining 3.16K
deadlock-experiments 3.15K
TrainAnnouncements 3.12K
JapaneseStations 3.08K
PicksLiPoAccu 3.06K
sushi 3.06K
flipfloptrainmode 3.05K
copy-machine-orientation 2.89K
TheDeadBurn_v17 2.67K
Quicksave 2.67K
SchallPerpetualMachine 2.59K
rebuild-crash-site 2.57K
death-log 2.50K
death_curses 2.50K
belt-legacy 2.43K
japanese_voice_alerts 2.04K
DeadlockStackingForTheDeadBurn 1.82K
base >= 1.1.0 -
Last dependency data update: 6 hours ago (for v0.7.0)