Editor Extensions

Extends the Factorio map editor with new features, testing tools, and quality of life changes. Also adds a separate editor lab that can be used to design blueprints separately from your main factory. Inspired by Creative Mode.

a month ago
0.18 - 2.0
Blueprints Cheats
This mod 12 From other mods 60
Dependency types:
Default 33 Required 27 Conflict 0 Optional 20 Hidden 13
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 5.58K
sborOchka-modpack 1.26K
beyond-vanilla-qol >= 2.2.4 1.07K
bigbigmod 413
recepies-for-EditorExtentions 298
pack-sparr-qol 172
modpack-by-7 >= 1.12.10 152
Blood-N-Wine-Factorio-Edition >= 2.1.5 127
LazyNewbSE 127
raiguard-mods-modpack 124
developer-assistant 113
cupcake-essentials 110
Jans_QOL_Pack 100
anentiresleeve-pack >= 1.12.4 90
all-the-modportal 82
adams_mod >= 1.13.4 68
My_personal_modpack >= 2.2.4 43
theme-tiles >= 2.1.5 26
sborochka-kot 26
orbadon_mod_collection >= 1.13.0 24
centaurea-cyanus-qol 24
soup22-modpack-basic 17
Grado_ChangingBase 17
LazyNewbNotSE 16
speshkitty-qol-pack 6
Ubiquity >= 1.11.2 847
Ubiquity_Unstable >= 1.11.2 167
Last dependency data update: an hour ago (for v2.4.2)