Dragon Industries - Nauvis Division

by Reika

The core to all of Reika's mods.

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1
This mod 1 From other mods 80
Dependency types:
Default 49 Required 63 Conflict 0 Optional 6 Hidden 11
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 153K
EndgameCombat 46.3K
Geothermal 28.3K
martincitopants-space-modpack-fixed-squared 8.34K
Bioluminescence 7.02K
DirtyMining 6.67K
FastFurnaces 6.17K
FactorIO 4.45K
EasyCreative 3.97K
ChokePoint 2.75K
InfiTech 2.48K
EndGameCombatFixed 2.22K
martincitopants-space-modpack-no_hr 2.15K
TreePlant 2.02K
RadioNetwork 1.96K
space-modpack 1.85K
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-sek2 1.66K
martincitopants-space-modpack 1.65K
Future-Technology-Factorio-Modpack-IR3 1.63K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.62K
NauvisDay 1.49K
martincitopants-space-modpack-seoh-fixed 1.39K
EndgameCombatRampantPatch 1.25K
DewPointAggregator 1.24K
BiterBias 1.23K
LossPrevention 1.16K
ItemFinder 1.11K
AutoTrainDepot 1.10K
Pheromones 1.06K
as2_krastorio >= 1.105.1 1.05K
Oreverhaul 1.04K
RubberBelts 596
weplay_se_kr_bz 522
weplay_angelbobs 476
Zolo-IR3-Modpack 429
bigbigmod 410
OldWormSound 351
EarlyExtensions 349
as2_krastorio_SE >= 1.152.1 341
TurmOil 333
FTweaks 309
NibblePoker-AngelBob-Personnal-ModPack 209
space-modpack-Snacklee-Fork 166
modpack-by-7 >= 1.105.1 151
mabik_full_pack = 1.152.1 94
jcrneep-space-modpack 84
space-modpack-mewthecrazy 84
all-the-modportal 80
CRC_Autism 75
exfret_space_modmash 67
warringer_vanilla_plus_pack 60
Mania_krastorio >= 1.105.1 48
salocraft 34
kermitihouqlfmodpack >= 1.105.1 29
rafal-rubaj-modpack 21
mart_test 20
mezzo-streaming-modpack 14
Geothermal-Impurity 8
OreverhaulAngel 7
DarksModpack 6
Ubiquity >= 1.105.1 847
Ubiquity_Unstable >= 1.105.1 166
Last dependency data update: 15 hours ago (for v1.152.1)