DD's QoL ModPack

A QoL ModPack. Does nothing by itself. All credits go to the respective authors.

8 months ago
Logistics Trains Fluids Logistic network Circuit network Storage Blueprints
This mod 75 From other mods 1
Dependency types:
Default 75 Required 67 Conflict 0 Optional 8 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 7.80M
aai-loaders 77.0K
Advanced-Electric-Revamped-v16 65.9K
AfraidOfTheDark 169K
auto_manual_mode 10.7K
AutoDeconstruct 265K
automatic-station-painter 16.1K
Automatic_Train_Painter 88.6K
base >= 1.1 -
blueprint-sandboxes 45.4K
BlueprintTools 21.0K
bobinserters 328K
BottleneckLite 129K
calculator-ui 54.4K
ChangeMapSettings 43.7K
chest-auto-sort 23.2K
ColorCodedPlanners 4.55K
copy-machine-orientation 2.89K
CopyPasteModules 28.6K
DiscoScience 193K
DisplayPlates 31.7K
ElectricTrain 74.5K
equipment-gantry 251K
even-distribution 368K
expandtooltip 3.94K
extended-descriptions 74.2K
factorissimo-2-notnotmelon 60.4K
FactorySearch 69.3K
far-reach 172K
fcpu 9.48K
FluidMustFlow 163K
FuelTrainStop 51.7K
GDIW 47.1K
glutenfree-ltn-thought-bubble 3.03K
GUI_Unifyer_forked 2.52K
HandCraftingPriorityPlus 890
helmod 401K
InfiniteInventory 19.2K
informatron 564K
inserter-throughput 23.7K
InserterCranes-for-pymods 3.19K
InserterFuelLeech 65.2K
LogisticTrainNetwork 248K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 87.0K
LtnManager 100K
MaxRateCalculator 123K
Milestones 243K
ModuleInserterSimplified 121K
Nanobots 183K
nixie-tubes 65.0K
PipeVisualizer 84.4K
Placeables 10.0K
PlutoniumEnergy 58.6K
power-priority 2.66K
pushbutton 29.9K
pyalternativeenergy 37.9K
qol_research 169K
QuickItemSearch 57.4K
QuickMapTag 2.94K
Realistic_Heat_Glow 22.8K
RealisticReactors 22.9K
recursive-blueprints 29.5K
resourceMarker 61.2K
RitnWaterfill 76.0K
Shortcuts-ick 43.1K
show-max-underground-distance 72.0K
solar-calc 64.7K
Squeak Through 462K
StatsGui 107K
StoneWaterWell 37.5K
textplates 262K
TimeTools 46.8K
Todo-List 213K
VehicleSnap 229K
WideChests 108K
Last dependency data update: 13 hours ago (for v0.0.9)