Project SQUID

QoL Mods that affect how the player will play but not how the world works

Mod packs
4 months ago
This mod 21 From other mods 0
Dependency types:
Default 21 Required 21 Conflict 0 Optional 0 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 1.57M
base >= 1.1 -
inventory-repair 83.4K
ghost-counter 20.5K
adaptive_movement_speed 10.7K
autobuild 20.3K
BeltRouter 28.3K
BeltLiner 3.47K
GhostInHand 9.41K
Fill4Me 145K
even-distribution 423K
Crafting_Speed_Research 61.3K
CursorEnhancements 43.8K
DoingThingsByHand 14.9K
LogisticRequestManager 28.8K
UltimateResearchQueue 45.3K
RecipeBook 209K
squeak-through-2 126K
tree_collision 96.5K
redo 6.15K
ModuleInserter 140K
QuickItemSearch 59.3K
Last dependency data update: 4 hours ago (for v0.0.1)