5Dim's mod - New Nuclear

by McGuten

Nuclear for 5dim's mod If you are a mad of nuclear power with this mod you can upgrade all your blueprints to a new level. This mod include: - 10 tiers of all nuclear stuff

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
This mod 1 From other mods 30
Dependency types:
Default 9 Required 8 Conflict 1 Optional 10 Hidden 11
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 26.8K
Any_Japanise_Pack >= 1.1.2 1.86K
Common-Industries 7.88K
5dim_complete 6.27K
OD27_5dim_nuclear 5.11K
nach0_modpack_5dims 1.76K
martincitopants-stream-modpack 1.63K
5dim_Compatibility_Fixes 1.46K
Any_Title_Japanise_Pack 716
5dim-uncat 85
Last dependency data update: 23 hours ago (for v2.0.3)