Advance through 4 stages of tech. Start with simple machines and work your way through nuclear fission and fusion up to black and white holes, in order to tame the 248k Element. This mod is designed to be playable in already existing worlds since it changes nothing on world generation. Can be played as a standalone mod or in overhaul mode.
Large total conversion mods.
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Dependant | 377K | |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
GUI_Unifyer | 53.3K |
Optional dependency |
bztitanium | 46.3K |
Optional dependency |
bzlead | 43.9K |
Optional dependency |
bzcarbon | 31.8K |
Optional dependency |
bzsilicon | 31.1K |
Optional dependency |
bzaluminum | 29.2K |
Optional dependency |
bzgold >= 1.0.29 | 16.1K |
Optional dependency |
umr | 14.2K |
Optional dependency |
BrassTacks | 12.3K |
Optional dependency |
IfNickel | 12.2K |
Optional dependency |
zJatmnYiFixes >= 1.0.29 | 8.27K |
Optional dependency |
Common-Industries | 7.88K |
Optional dependency |
manganese | 7.20K |
Optional dependency |
Chromium | 6.20K |
Optional dependency |
Limestone | 6.07K |
Optional dependency |
Tantalite | 6.07K |
Optional dependency |
Cobalt | 5.99K |
Optional dependency |
Nylon | 5.92K |
Optional dependency |
IntermediatesForYou | 5.90K |
Optional dependency |
ChemistryForYou | 5.62K |
Optional dependency |
DeadlockStackingFor248k | 3.01K |
Optional dependency |
turbinesplusplus | 2.93K |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
GUI_Unifyer_forked | 2.70K |
Optional dependency |
xp-for-buildings | 1.99K |
Optional dependency |
core-mine-balancer-for-sek2bz >= 1.0.29 | 1.95K |
Optional dependency |
Mod_Russian_Localization | 1.82K |
Optional dependency |
Flat-Solar | 1.48K |
Optional dependency |
5dim_Compatibility_Fixes | 1.46K |
Optional dependency |
grand-unified-factorio-theory >= 0.9.0 | 812 |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
BestMods | 573 |
Optional dependency |
MyModPackMuit >= 1.0.29 | 422 |
Optional dependency |
wnlead | 361 |
Optional dependency |
TrainMass | 347 |
Optional dependency |
umr-s | 239 |
Optional dependency |
geekbattery-space-odyssey | 216 |
Optional dependency |
TSM-icons-248k-SE | 164 |
Optional dependency |
turbinesplusplusPDfork | 139 |
Optional dependency |
Fork-Power-Armour-Replacer | 120 |
Optional dependency |
DirtyWater | 99 |
Optional dependency |
balance_core | 92 |
Optional dependency |
LabVida | 66 |
Optional dependency |
Building-XRay | 62 |
Mod with a lot of dependencies |
built_logistics_entity_free | 42 |